newfarer wrote:KenyanLyrics wrote:The lone, twenty year old internet investor is me. If you fit either demographic please reply this thread
get lost
Pride comes before a crush.You have not yet seen life youngman
Don't overanalyse a harmless situation bro. Have you been offended by the fact that I said I am a young internet entrepreneur? There is no other kind of tech entrepreneur, they are all young, so it is not a plus. I can't brag about that. If you've not noticed, I'm having a bit of a hard time integrating into the Wazua community, so I decided to look for a space to do official introductions. Unfortunately, Wazua does not have an 'Introduce Yourself' section like other forums, so I decided to use this 'Talk2Us' section. I described myself as briefly as possible, and brevity is good forum etiquette.