It is always advisable to deal with a company than individual in financial advisory services.
It is not a matter of trust but that of statuory requirement.
- Individual can disappoint in terms of availability when you want to take a decision,
- Team work is absolutely necessary to make investment decisions
From the writes ups I see I believe Mr Guru267 is good, but does he has a legitimate financial advisory company with valid licence ?
For my friend KK (Investors lounge) it is difficult to tell whether that is his speciality,you know there are a lot of talents here, but it is a different ball game whether that is his area of specialisation and if he has a valid licence to operate.
I am not there in Nairobi but I like investment decisions of westland based Dry Associates both in Kenyanan market and overseas and they have a basket of fixed income products.
The only problem is their initial investment value may be high, you can also google to see other advisory professionals in Kenya.
I am not ruling out Guru267 & KK if they meet your requirements, but the gentlemen should have valid licence under company name to operate to provide adequate protection to investors.
This is my opinion.
The wazua spirit as members is to educate and inform and learn from others within the limit of what we know in any chosen area irrespective of our differences in tribes, nationalities, etc. .