qw25041985 wrote:Anybody care to share a mystocks.co.ke login Username and Password we can use?? If you ar with Cfc Stanbic i am sure you have one .
You can get one free of charge!!
The comes with a 15min delay, but with actual bids/offers shielded from view. To view full features, you pay sh100 per day or sh1,000 per month....via MPESA
It's that simple
I am not with CFC and I have a mystocks username/PW...and I won't share it - not because I am not sufficiently phillanthropic, but because I believe if you are serious enough about trading, you will spend sh1,00 per month to track you stocks.
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.