qw25041985 wrote: I amnt long term on the stock . I just want to dip in ride the rally and get out with my profits. And from a TA perspective Centum will do just that come Monday. I am NOT encouraging people to get in for long term.
Exactly.. please let guys you hope to guide know you are a trader/speculator... vs. Investor.. when you say
buy...please remember also to scream
sell with same vigour as you decamp the stock. Its only fair.
Naushad merali bought 11% uchumi right after the "1.4 Billion" overnight killing in kencell/celtel..evry newspaper touted uchumi as a buy.. unfortunately the
FORGOT TO FOLLOW meralli's antics through to inform money hungry investors that naushad was
selling off after losing bid to get sit in the B.O.D.. ..way before the thing shut down!!..now we have young guys totally wisened up by greed than experience..
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version