Hi all. These are the stocks that'll move this week. Make informd choices.
1. CO-OP BANK. This share broke a key resistance level on Friday. And on my charts its showin a good ascending triangle and a price break out. I am pretty excited because i got in big in this stock.
2. KAKUZI - with all the buzz in the coffee industry,investors are likin this share coz of the good earnings the high coffee prices'll bring.
3. SASINI. This stock'll continue its upward trend that it showd last week. For the same reasons as Kakuzi the high coffee prices'll make this stock juicy for many investors.
4. DTK. This share will go down. It hit its high of ksh 88.00 on friday and not unless there's some really good news this share is goin down.
5. HFCK. This stock'll move up as it sluggishly did last week. And since we are entering wat i call the 'speculatin season' I expect the stock to maintain a gud ride up.
With those few, happy investing.
Your future depends on your dreams so go to sleep !