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New Members And Leaving Members
#1 Posted : Friday, May 28, 2010 9:34:14 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/28/2010
Posts: 151
We are 5 friend and want to start an investment club (Real Estate - Buying and selling Land)by contributing 1m each. Our intention is to allow 5 more members to add up to a total of 10. what I need to know is how to value a new incomming memebr (who will join after 1 or 2 Year)and how to value an outgoing member (After 3 Years). A member has the right to leave after 3 Years. How do we share the profits after sell of land? are those who joined and r members for over 2 years going to get the same portion as those who are say 1 Year old? How do we go about this...Plz help.
kyukkamba attached the following image(s):
members.jpg (3kb) downloaded 4 time(s).
Ni Uhuru wa Mbesha...Niguo kana tiguo?
Much Know
#2 Posted : Saturday, May 29, 2010 8:40:01 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/6/2008
Posts: 3,549
Convert your 5million into shares of the investment company, the rest will fall into place after that.
Meru Holiness
#3 Posted : Saturday, May 29, 2010 10:20:25 AM
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Joined: 6/17/2008
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After every financial year you work out the value of investment for every member!!!

Also plan that you could share losses, it's never profits all the time!!!

Happy investing!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#4 Posted : Saturday, May 29, 2010 9:11:34 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/28/2010
Posts: 151
@Much Know..Thanks, ur point is cool. What I understand from you is:-
Year 1 :- 5 members with 10shares of 100,000/= each.
We make a profit in the first 2 years of say 500,000 (But no dividends declared).
Year 3:- 5 new members joined each with 10 shares of 100,000/=.
Year 4 we make an accummulated profit of 2M.
Does it mean we will divide the profit Equally??? Or will we take the duration of investment in account? and how will the distribution going to be? I do understand that in shares all te shareholders get the same amount of dividends per share irrespective of when you bought the shares provided it's b4 the books close.... BUT ..d'oh! How can my 4 Years of investment give me the same return as the 1 Year Investor? (Assuming an equal profit distribution afterall every one of us contributed 1M).

@McReggae .. Woking out the value of each member means dividing the profits based on the capital contributed.what I understand from you is every year we credit the shareholder/partner with the portion of the profit made..meaning any new partner will not get nothing out of it? am I right?? I believe time here is also to be considered I mean the time of when a new member joins..he will be paid based on the capital invested and the period of of his investment..am I right?

Any litrature on investment clubs will highly be appreciated. we don't wanna start and end up turning the investment club to a BOXING CLUB..smile

If I sound stupid just bear with me we r new in this field.
Ni Uhuru wa Mbesha...Niguo kana tiguo?
#5 Posted : Saturday, May 29, 2010 9:24:33 PM
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Joined: 5/28/2010
Posts: 151
I rememeber once, when I was least interested in Investment Clubs, reading here in SK of someone who was willing to help anyone open an investment club by writting for them the Articles/Memorandum (I think these are the rules and regulations of the Club). Bcse he/she had an experiance on them ... can anyone guide me to him/her? I need to know how the whole thing works b4 getting myself involved.
Ni Uhuru wa Mbesha...Niguo kana tiguo?
#6 Posted : Monday, May 31, 2010 1:05:02 PM
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@kyukkamba, u will to understand NAV, i have copy pasted below a simple explanation. U will need to operate an investment company and run it like a mutual fund i.e. the way unit trusts operate.

"Net asset value is most commonly used in the context of open-ended funds. Shares and interests in such funds are not traded between investors, but are issued by the fund to each new investor and redeemed back to the fund when an investor withdraws. A fund will issue and redeem shares and interests at a price calculated by reference to the NAV of the fund, with the intention that new investors receive a fair proportion of the fund and redeeming investors receive a fair proportion of the fund's value in cash."
#7 Posted : Wednesday, June 02, 2010 8:23:17 AM
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Joined: 6/27/2008
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I recently bought some Unga Ltd shares - May 2010. Now this company has been in existence for 100 years, and guess what if a dividend is declared at the close of the financial year (30th June), I will take the same profit per share as the grad father who has bee a shareholder since 1945!

The way you deal with the issue of newcomers is to add a premium on the price per share.

If the value at inception was sh100,000 per share, you don't have to sell it at that price two years down the road.

Here are some numbers:
Initial capital was sh5m
Profit retained in 2yrs is sh500k
Thus total value is now sh5.5m

So, value per share is sh110k

Sh110k is the net asset value of the shares...you can decide to sell at this value.... but you can also decide to sell at a higher price to account for the "good-will" you have created in the venture.

Suppose you sell each share at Sh150k. The 40k extra will go to the share premium account and it will belong to all shareholders equitably. Thus your sh100k share will now be worth more than the Sh110k NAV...
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
#8 Posted : Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:02:30 PM
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Joined: 5/28/2010
Posts: 151
mukiha wrote:

..Suppose you sell each share at Sh150k. The 40k extra will go to the share premium account and it will belong to all shareholders equitably. Thus your sh100k share will now be worth more than the Sh110k NAV...

Since the 40K is like "Goodwill" dont u think it should be credited directly to the Existing Members BUT NOT to the new member's account?
Otherwise ur explanation is excellent. it elaborated more on Mkonomtupu's point.
I think this cleared most of my doubts.

Thank you all very much.

nb:@Mukiha ..by the way how much did u buy Unga for? I have 25,000 in my account dont no what to do wt it ... do u advise me to? at what price? just tell me YES or NO ...I dont need no reasons.smile
Ni Uhuru wa Mbesha...Niguo kana tiguo?
#9 Posted : Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:56:11 PM
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Joined: 1/28/2009
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In a chama, also envision a situation where u do not not contribute a fixed amount. In our case, if u leave in between the calendar year you lose the entire benefits- it's in the rules. One can also join at any time. Any dividends are calculated on weighted shares to take care of time. Remember tha KISS rule -Keep it simple, stupid!
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