@Much Know..Thanks, ur point is cool. What I understand from you is:-
Year 1 :- 5 members with 10shares of 100,000/= each.
We make a profit in the first 2 years of say 500,000 (But no dividends declared).
Year 3:- 5 new members joined each with 10 shares of 100,000/=.
Year 4 we make an accummulated profit of 2M.
Does it mean we will divide the profit Equally??? Or will we take the duration of investment in account? and how will the distribution going to be? I do understand that in shares all te shareholders get the same amount of dividends per share irrespective of when you bought the shares provided it's b4 the books close.... BUT ..

How can my 4 Years of investment give me the same return as the 1 Year Investor? (Assuming an equal profit distribution afterall every one of us contributed 1M).
@McReggae .. Woking out the value of each member means dividing the profits based on the capital contributed.what I understand from you is every year we credit the shareholder/partner with the portion of the profit made..meaning any new partner will not get nothing out of it? am I right?? I believe time here is also to be considered I mean the time of when a new member joins..he will be paid based on the capital invested and the period of of his investment..am I right?
Any litrature on investment clubs will highly be appreciated. we don't wanna start and end up turning the investment club to a BOXING CLUB..
If I sound stupid just bear with me we r new in this field.
Ni Uhuru wa Mbesha...Niguo kana tiguo?