converting here means "immobilization" of the share certificates. That way you will be able to get them on to your CDS A/C. This will have to be done by your broker.
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Visit a CDA (All licensed Members of the Nairobi Stock Exchange and Custodian banks are CDAs) with the certificates you want to deposit.
Be sure you have already opened an account or are ready to do so.
You will be issued with and assisted to complete a Security Deposit Form (CDS 2).
Sign your form with the signature used when buying the shares.
Return the form to the CDA together with the certificates you have included on the form to be deposited.
You will be given a duplicate copy of the completed and signed form, after the CDA has countersigned as evidence of your deposit.
The CDA will forward the form and the certificate to CDSC
CDSC will forward the certificates and forms to the company’s shares registrar for verification.
When the registrar confirms the certificates as genuine, the shares will be deposited in your account.
Once the shares are in your account you can trade in them.
Taunet Neelel ..... New Beginning .....