This Wazua thing doesn't even come close to SK!!! And the fact that it was forced down our collective throats left a bitter after taste in most of our mouths. Add to that the chinese style censorship and [insulting] explanations that assume that most of us a
lower primary kids [Like the post
'was getting to long to read' - at
79 post while there is an active one which is currently at
188 posts - more than double] and you can see why most of us are not so excited to log in.
I couldn't do any work without checkin out SK first but this Wazua thing... I don't feel I have missed anything by not loggin into it. Maybe time [Like 10 years -
] will help me change my mind/attitude. But by then I'm sure they will have changed the site like twenty times.
To be honest I'm like a tenant whose rent has been doubled. I'm just here until I find another 'place'. Hopefully I'll be able to get my neighbours [Njung'e, Wendz, Mukiha etal] to move with me to the new 'estate'.
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.