1. Change the colour, have mercy on our retinas!
2. Reduce the number of categories. You can systematically increase this as we go along. the 5 top categories are ok, dont have sub-categories within this. (I'm not even sure what categories there are, its all so confusing).
3. Allow apostrophes (sp) in usernames.
4. Ease log in procedure. its almost hostile trying to get back in.
5. Clearly show seperation between the forum and articles/info you have. The forum should be a different part of the website.
6. Live scroller? Should be available on every page regardless.
7. Ads are ok, but youve gone crazy with google adsense. Show restraint, such forums dont really generate huge revenues anyways.
8. I see some users are taking ranking personally. Perhaps suspending this will not hurt anyone.
9. Bring back number of views on any topic. This helps to show how popular a thread is.
10. FINALLY, I think members will forgive the name change if things are made simpler. However, I understand you may have invested in this new url but frankly, you had a brand called stockskenya. I am willing to buy that url from you, if you really beleive wazua is the way to go.
Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming