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Where Can I Invest 100M?
#1 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:25:00 PM
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Joined: 5/23/2009
Posts: 35
Hi SK Pals

My cousin somehow stumbled on investors who'd be willing to give him substantial funds for a large investment (kitu 100m). I have no idea where ametoa hawa watu but he asked me on possible ideas of good investments that would work in Kenya. I gave him a few of my own but I have unshakable faith that I can get more and better ones here at SK.

Please spare a thought and share your ideas.

#2 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:37:00 PM
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Location: Nairobi
419 scam.....your cousin is in a process of being conned.....tell him to run and run very fast!!!!!

The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated.
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#3 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:46:00 PM
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What is your cousin giving in exchange. I do not believe in free things,even when they appear real. remember when the deal is too good,think twice. See post below.
#4 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:52:00 PM
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I note the similarities with those Nigerian con emails proclaiming such large sums of money. Surely one cannot have 100m and fail to have any investment ideas-not possible.Unless he or she stole the money in which case you should turn such person over to the police.

#5 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:53:00 PM
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Noooo hapewi pesa (eish thats too much!)

Anapewa opportunity to also benefit from the investment.

#6 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 1:01:00 PM
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Wah! had not thought of it as a possible 'scam' but asanteni for pointing out that possibility.

I'm trying to think,though,sioni venye it can be a scam. He has only been told to brainstorm and come up with viable projects and if he does,the people interested in investing will look at them and decide whether they can/want to invest.

Juu ya hii stori I've been reading up on 419 scams,really interesting (and a bit hilarious).

Guys should check this out: http://www.419scam.org/

#7 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 1:23:00 PM
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@Obi wan! Took the words right out of my mouth (fingers?)

Immorality: The morality of those who are having a better time!
#8 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 1:29:00 PM
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mosh.......they dont come showing that they wanna get money from you hapana.......they promise heaven's at first.....remember the have many targets so they might only be aiming to con you say 20K which you will assume is nothing compared to the 'miracle 100M' to be invested!!!!......you dont approach an investment newbie with 100M......hata kama ni ya kuibwa!!!!

The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated.
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#9 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 1:36:00 PM
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LOL nicely put Obi 1

Sawa wasee I'm convinced this thing is fishy and I will advise my cuzo accordingly.

Si mbaya kujua ideas though,ama?

A few minutes ago I was thinking about starting a chain of cybercafes in little towns all over the place. Though this would need education of the people,right? And I have no idea of the reliability of KPLC in such towns,nor of any ISP. But anyway!

Jay R
#10 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:20:00 PM
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Location: Taehan Minkook.
Assuming nobody is being conned[staying positive],let your cousin find a prime location in Nairobi[CBD] and build those multi-storey,fully-automated parking towers. The driver leaves the car in an entrance module. It is then transported up to a parking slot by a robot trolley. For the driver,the process of parking is reduced to leaving the car inside an entrance module. Building the structure won't be that costly,the whole robotic mechanism will.It doesn't need lighting[at the parking bays],no need for ventilation/air condition and you can charge per minute.You need one person per shift,to monitor a single tower. That's my take.
when i see my purple, you see it not!
#11 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:25:00 PM
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For such an amount i believe they can be able to hire the best investment firm to do a due dilegence on the most profitable investment.Looking for 'ideas' for such an amount does not sell.Unless the 100M is in Zimbabwe currency!!!Lol
#12 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:26:00 PM
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@ Jay R

Wow. That's quite an idea! How much do you think that would cost? (of course si ati I'll build it,niko curious tu).

Jay R
#13 Posted : Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:50:00 PM
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Joined: 1/5/2009
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Location: Taehan Minkook.
@ MTP,i have no idea how much it would cost to build one tower but guys like Steel Structures or AR Young[not too sure about the name] can cost the whole structure after looking at this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Automatic parking with SMART P
· 1/2 of the investment
· 1/3rd of the area
· 1/4th of the space
· 1/5th of the construction time.
As compared to conventional parking structures.

Smart P is an advanced computer controlled fully automatic parking system for cars. The vehicle to be parked is automatically centred and captured,towed onto the lift system,from where it is rapidly moved to its computer assigned level and designated storage. The cars are stored in a very compact space saving system. On request of the owner the process is reversed and the vehicle is delivered in seconds ready to drive away.
The Smart P system offers automatic parking and retrieval of the vehicles at the push of a button by the user in a very economic and space efficient man-ner.

In order to park the vehicles densely and precisely,the handling of the car is carried out automatically using computers and a robot. To accommodate the shapes of modern cars a unique positioning system and an advanced mechanical device are used in combination. But in spite of its sophistication the device has few moving parts resulting in high reliability,very low maintenance costs and very low failure rates. Being fully automated it does not require any personnel giving low operating costs,this combined with the small investment means that with Smart P even small car parks can become profitable. The whole construction being modular using bolts and screws it can even be dismantled and reassembled at a different site very quickly.

With conventional multi-storey facilities only approx. 40% of the surface area and approx. 30% of their volume can be used for car storage. While an average passenger vehicle has a volume of approx. 12 m3 (370sq ft) the average multi-storey covers a volume of 100 m3 (3200 sq ft) per vehicle! The modern car with its compact engine no longer conforms to the older rectangular shape,being more conical or oval in design reserving a rectangular area does not optimise available space. In a conventional multi-storey much valuable space and volume is given over to entry and exit roads,manoeuvring space,allowance for door opening,elevators,emergency stairs,sidewalks,solid pylons and floor carriers,minimum ceiling heights for people and the systems there presence requires (lighting,fire fighting,etc.) Finding a parking space in one requires a lot of time,skill and often leads to stress. Other automatic parking systems use pallets and require considerable space a very complicated mechanism and an expensive steering system.
These pallet systems are designed to the largest vehicle to be accommodated plus an allowance for inaccurate positioning and manoeuvring. They consume a greater area relative to the average size of cars parked. Further a pallet must always be procured and then replaced prior to each new transport adding time and complication to the process. These parking lots are laid out in solid buildings making them suitable only for long term and permanent use and involving lengthy construction and high costs making a severe constraint on investment.

Smart P is a cost effective alternative to conventional parking garages for small properties and low budgets or as an add-on to existing parking facilities.

With Smart P the vehicles are first automatically centered on a platform and rolled precisely to the starting position where they are seized and manoeuvred gently by the “tractor”. This tractor positions the vehicle onto the central lift,of which it is an integral part. The central high-speed elevator carries the vehicle instantly to the computer allocated floor whilst rotating horizontally to the pre-assigned storage space. This space has been pre-allocated to exactly match the size of that particular car saving larger spaces only for larger cars,storage platforms are just wide enough for the average car further adding to the space saving overall.

After allocating the vehicle to its space the tractor withdraws to its lift immedi-ately and is thus instantly ready for the next. For delivery of the vehicle back to the owner the process is simply and automatically reversed and accom-plished in a very short time without the need for pallets or conveyors delivering a car ready to drive away. As a result of the computer allocation and advanced transport system the storage is extremely dense,compact and efficient.

The whole plant is assembled using a modular building system of bolts,pins and screws enabling it to be dismantled and reassembled at another site at any time without the use of expensive construction machinery.

This combination of technical innovation results in a simple cost effective construction with few moving parts and resultant high redundancy and reliability .The plant can be as easily established underground or in existing buildings. As the users have no access to the parking decks emergency installations,elevators,stairs,fire equipment,emergency signs and lighting are either not necessary or can be substantially reduced. With Smart P unprofitable garages and lots can become profitable,small plots can be used in a profitable way and shortage of parkng spaces can readily and rapidly be resolved.

Mobility is an important component of both our society and our economy and transport efficiency is an important factor in the quality of modern life. As competition for desirable and convenient spaces increases so available parking lots become more rare and more expensive. Modern lifestyles require an optimal mix of public and private transport. As advanced technology and al-ternative energy sources help offset some of the ecological disadvantages of the motor car the aspirations of the population will fuel an increase in car numbers in the near future,those cars will need to be parked. Car parking will need to become more space efficient,more environmentally friendly and create less pollution whilst saving time by being acceptably close to the users home,place of business or leisure or public transport for such activities as commuting and yet becoming less expensive.To manoeuvre a car into a narrow parking spot requires skill and takes time,a machine cando it faster,more efficiently,precisely than a human,the system must however be above all simple and safe.

People searching for parking spaces cause a part of the traffic and addi-tional pollution in our cities. By providing sufficient parking facilities close to their desti-nations this can be substantially reduced.

With SmartP you can accomplish this. Compared to a conventional multi-storey space utilisation is improved by 400% while the cost per parking lot is halved. The required surface area is about the equivalent of 1/10 parking spaces while the vertical extent is almost unlimited. Car park provision is no longer the sole province of city planners but is within the reach of small firms,large companies and even private individuals with this compact and efficient system.

When i see my purple,you see it not.
when i see my purple, you see it not!
#14 Posted : Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:05:00 AM
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Joined: 3/11/2009
Posts: 42
@ JRay
That's a fantastic idea....thinking out of the box,and far away from it too. You are brighter than me. Kudos.
mv ufanisi
#15 Posted : Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:24:00 AM
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Joined: 12/13/2006
Posts: 108
hey Jay R,

u've definitely got your info water tight on this. why don't you bring a number of Skerians together and implement? do the business plan and invite people to join in. You can make it into shares and people buy in on the project.

#16 Posted : Wednesday, July 22, 2009 10:28:00 AM
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Joined: 4/29/2009
Posts: 21
I received this e-mail too.

If your cousin's was similar,BE WARNED,ITS A SCAM!!!!!

From: John Mukhabe
178 Jason Moyo Layouts

Dear Sir,

I got your contact information from a reputable business/professional directory of your country which gives me assurance of your legibility as a business person.

My name is John Mukhabe a citizen of Zimbabwe and a financial consultant. I represent the interest of a client,an investor whom as a result of the sensitive nature of the position he occupies under the present government in Zimbabwe,coupled with the recent political and economic developments in my country wishes to relocate his funds abroad and secure it from inflation through investment.

I am making this contact with you on the strength of this my client s need for an individual such as you,who will be willing to receive money on his behalf abroad,and then invest this money for making profit in accordance with the foreign direct investment regulations in your country.Your role as a partner will be to devise the necessary business plan based on your knowledge of the domestic economy in your country. To oversee the day to day management of the business that will be established there in your country with this capital (U.S$10,500,000).

The establishment of this joint business venture with the above mentioned fund will be carried out in a manner consistent with the prevailing international laws and that of your country guiding such an investment.In the event that you are willing to work with me on this project as a partner,provide me with your direct telephone and fax numbers for further detail.

Best regards
John Mukhabe

winners never quit and quiters never win
#17 Posted : Wednesday, July 22, 2009 12:08:00 PM
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Joined: 5/23/2009
Posts: 35
@ RJay woooow thats impressive! I really like that idea.

Please give a thought to what @ Ufanisi said

@ Winner
No he didnt get an email. Apparently its someone he studied with. I've definitely advised him though. Thank you.

#18 Posted : Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:08:00 PM
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Joined: 9/28/2006
Posts: 102
You also need to check-out not coming from Horn(Thorn) of Africa. Pirates collection
i too
Jay R
#19 Posted : Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:30:00 PM
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Joined: 1/5/2009
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Location: Taehan Minkook.
@MTP and Ufanisi. The idea can really fly,the only bottleneck being the huge financial commitment upon the mover,in this case,me. I will in the mean time get costing for the smart parking system and possibly the structure[tower] itself. Anyone with ideas on prime location or on the incentives available from NCC or the gov't?

When i see my purple,you see it not.
when i see my purple, you see it not!
#20 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:07:00 AM
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Joined: 7/1/2009
Posts: 11
Real estate is the safest option. Build 50 units of 1.8m each at athi river on 2 acres [around 7 m]and sell them for 4.2 m each and double the 100m.

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