What materials are best and is it really necessary to go more than 6 inches underground? The wall is decorative (front of the house by gate) more than anything else.
- I have seen some peoople use road kerbs (the long and tall ones)...at least two courses followed by a grille or wood posts an barbed wire. Cheap but unsightly
-Others use machine cuts and the same setup above
-Others use bush cuts (which look very nice and suited for outdoors)
I am thinking of doing bushcuts 2 courses, 6 inch deep foundation with minor blinding, followed by a decorative chuma grille, total height about 4 ft above ground.
I have a grille guy who does excellent decorative work so that part I am not worried about.
Something like this but only two courses of stones and the rest is the grille. Toeni maono jameni. Thanks in advance again.
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