Now that we have ascertained that "The Grand Father of Peugeot" is safe and sound, shall we revert to "Life After Covid-19", if there will be one?
The Mwea Rice IndustryOld StockFor the Mwea Rice Industry and its dependants, it is party after party.
Currently, the lockdown has created an instant high demand "payment in advance" market for our rice.
Apparently, "households" out there are buying rice as a non-perishable food stock to help weather the lockdown.
Speculators have also entered the market and are buying pickup loads in the hope the price goes up, making themselves a killing.
This all means the old stock is rapidly depleting, the rice mills are working 24/7 to meet the new demand, and everyone is happy, ecstatic even.
Furthermore, with the lockdown worldwide, Mwea Rice Industry's most dreaded enemy, the Import Cartels, cannot bring rice in to meet the rapidly rising demand.
The best part, Mwea has not seen a positive case, yet. Ignorance is bliss.
New StockIt is raining heavily out here.
For the rice farmer, this means a new stock is out in the field.
The more it rains, the bigger a portion a farmer can till, and the better the next crop.
In essence, this means we are anticipating a bumper harvest in a situation where there is no old stock in the stores.
That is a bonus that has not been seen around here in a long, long time.
ConclusionThe Virus is a huge "blessing" for the Mwea Rice Industry and its dependants.
The near future and "Life After Covid-19" also looks very bright too.
For now.