--Service revenue grew by 10% from sh.204.1bn to 224.5bn
--Earnings before interest and Tax at sh.79.3bn
--Earnings per share at ksh.1.38 versus 1.15 in 2017
--Free cashflow at ksh.55.4bn versus 43.5bn in 2017
--Sh36.4billion invested in Capex
--49% growth in our 4G footprint and 200% growth in fiber footprint
--1.4mn additional customers;total customers now at 29.6mn
--Mpesa grew by 14.2 percent Year on Year, Mobile data grew 24 percent
M-PESA now has 20.5 million 30 day active customers and more than 101,000 active merchant.
--M-PESA contributes 28% of revenue. Data 16%
Mpesa revenue in FY2018 is at ksh.62.9bn
Mobile data revenue grew to Sh36.4billion
--Proposed dividend at ksh.1.1 per share or ksh.44.07bn
--Fixed data which we called out as the growth engine in last years results is now growing at 27 %YoY and is now 3% of service revenue.
--Safaricom now has 4,945 sites, including 1,648 4G sites and 4,183 3G sites.141,000 already connected to home fiber
-- The healthy EBITDA of Kes112.8b was sufficient to reduce Net debt by 12.5b, pay dividends of 38.9b and invest 36.4b in CapEx.
FY guidance for 2019 at ksh.85-89bn EBIT
Capex will be between 35-38bn
SAFARICOM CEO Bob Collymore announces his return
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