Ericsson wrote:It's losses in the NSE is about sh.239mn which is unrealised coz the portfolio hasn't been liquidated.
- Kenya Re has sold some shares in 1H [Investor Briefing] but IMHO not enough. Now they are looking at loading up.
- Preference was given to T-Bonds and T-Bills esp in Oct 2015 and the benefits are seen in 2015.
- Plans are being made for a new office building but likely to break ground in 2017 at the earliest.
- Currently the properties are leased out with 97% occupancy.
- No money in Chase/Imperial.
- 1H 2016 had large payouts for the Nepal earthquake. These have almost ended.
- Zep Re is critical for KenRe to expand (via Zep Re) into Africa.
- KenRe is doing OK in Zambia [for Southern Africa] and in Abidjan. There are challenges eg currency, competition, etc.
- Current ratings by GCR and AM Best are good.
- Lots of cash, bank deposits and Gov't securities.
- Property "valuation gains" [if any] will come through in 2H.
@VVS is content with Mwarania and team.
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett