I do not think what you describe on Prezzo has any weight. The Kenyan govt performed very well and much was achieved even with ringing bell with the two top principals having person matters (aka ICC). Nobody stopped investing in Kenya as result. Kenyans must know its them to invest not to wait for Foreigners to invest in our country as you push for it. Do Kenyans really invest in other countries or are we still bending too low to be beggers?
On MPs, MCAs etc its you wanjiku who should correct them, you elected them because you pocketed 500bob that fake morning to fill your tummy.
America borrows and lends, Kenya does the same and due to the fact that we are young economy we must borrow.America owes China, Europe owes china, Russia etc
There re no "chickens anymore" The problem lies with your expectations of being a begger waiting others to do it for you.