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Government Supply
#1 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:48:00 AM
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Joined: 10/30/2008
Posts: 33
for all of you intending to supply the government a bit of advice - dont fall for it because all is not as good as it seems!! i got a small tender to supply hardware materials at the district level from GOK,for which i had to part with almost 30% of the order value just to get the LPO in my name. this was last May. I supplied the order within 10 days,after negotiating a more than generous commission terms with the purchasing officer - almost 60% of my net profit!! and then i have been following up on the payment till last month! i.e. it took them almost one year to pay me! i borrowed from the bank a overdraft at 18% to be able to supply the order,so i had to bear the cost of the interest! and to top it all,i had to part with almost another 30% of the order value to pay the whole bureacracy of accountants to release my cheque. can you believe it despite the cheque being ready for 3 months,no one would release it till they got something. they did not want to consider my profit margins which are very low in hardware. they just said they work on a percentage of the cheque! so all in all after supplying a 1.2 million shilling order,i ended up making 7,772/- profit!!!!! i just ended up making money for government civil servants!! be wary before you venture into these lucrative supply orders!
#2 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:07:00 AM
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Joined: 9/27/2006
Posts: 505
Dude,that is a very unfortunate story! To think that all those guaranteed youth tenders will experience the same thing is very worrying.
#3 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:41:00 AM
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Posts: 33
and this years budget has given the highest allocation to cdf - my my corruption.....i guess everyone is looking for funding for 2012!
#4 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:48:00 PM
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Joined: 4/16/2009
Posts: 257
Its your duty to name and shame these GOK employees,i too does supply to GOK i would like to know the people who did this to you so has to avoid them in future.

In God i trust.
#5 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 6:20:00 PM
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Joined: 9/11/2007
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@pauloti... Thanks for the tip.

What risks would you be taking.... if you named the depts.?

Would be helpful if such stories/undercover investigations appeared on the News/Media.
#6 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 5:54:00 AM
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Toboa! Wacheni kuficha hii watu!

The only reason why some people are still alive is coz its illegal to shoot them!!
#7 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 6:53:00 AM
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Joined: 4/22/2009
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If its supply of spares......... it definitely has to be CM&TE dept of the MOR

#8 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 8:04:00 AM
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Posts: 33
i supplied the ministry of agriculture,but i am not going to name the individuals because they will know who i am,and in nairobi it costs only kshs 20,000/- to kill someone,and i definitely want to live! but the thing is that it is not individuals who are the problem but a whole system! the accounts department at the ministry is rotten to the core including the purchasing officers! i hope the money they made off my sweat will not take them far! but i ask myself with all these agencies like the public procurement agency,is no one checking?? what about the anti corruption people? just to give u an example of one item i supplied - a 4 litre tin of gloss costs around 700/-,after all the bribes i paid the price was inflated to 2754/- on the LPO!! thats ridiculous,the tax payer is losing out and so is the business man,to these fat crooks in the civil service!!
#9 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 8:43:00 AM
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I hope you have learnt because you also played a role in corruption,you bribed for the prices to be inflated.You should face prosecution as you are an accoplice. Anyway Kenyans are their own undoing.When a vice benefits you-it is ok and when you are on the receiving end you cry wolf.You should realize that if the deal went through as you envisaged it would still have amounted to someone's pain- hardworking tax player who can't get the services from their taxes. Shame on all who abet this monster called corruption!

unlimited possibility
#10 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 9:59:00 AM
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Posts: 33
while i agree with you in principle,in the 'real' world things work quite differently. at the end of the day i have a family to feed,bills to pay,bribes to pay to the council,police without which this country does not function. if i did not go for that tender,someone else would have. i agree i am aiding corruption,but at the end of day i have to survive and cannot afford to be principled. but there is a difference - i am forced to pay that bribe to get business. i am not benefitting from that inflated price - those pigs in the ministry are! if i do not part with that bribe i will not get work. otherwise i am quite willing to quote the lowest and win the tender honestly and supply honestly. but i am being forced to do otherwise by our government. yes the tax payer is loosing but i have not gained - the people in government has! so welcome to the real world!!
#11 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 10:03:00 AM
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I now understand why all the GK supplies guys/accountants have large stomachs
#12 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 1:50:00 PM
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Posts: 94
pauloti is spot on when he says he fears to divulge for the risk associated with it. Some time back in the news a chap who worked in the procurement dept of MOW was found smoked along Nairobi River. Turned out later that a deal had gone sour and the partners got rid of him. Remember the engineer shot and killed in a traffic jam on Baricho road 2 months ago? Dito. Corruption has taken centre stage and believe you me all the participants have a moral obligation to adhere to laid down ethics of conduct and they are all tight as thieves. Kibaki is not the problem,the problem is he found himself in a situation so thick his frail abilities can't cope with it. When you see those MPigs sorrounding him can't you see the stench reeking through. You don't need to smell it you can literary see it. This country took a hit long time ago and now we are reeling under it's impact.

As a man thinketh so is he
As A Man Thinketh So is He
#13 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 2:00:00 PM
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Posts: 94
And that is the gova side of the coin. Now welcome to the surreptitious side of the private sector. Man its so tangled you could die. Take Safaricom for example. Man,that procurement dept is slipping and so fast. Try to apply for a dealership or even an agency and see the currency that holds sway there. It's frighteningly agonising. I hope MJ gets to hear this for he will be taken aback at what he finds mutating in that company. I wonder who will slay the dragon. All the knights in armour are dunmb f***s and of little use to this country .... the Ringera's,Ali's and me included. I feel emasculated.

As a man thinketh so is he
As A Man Thinketh So is He
#14 Posted : Friday, July 24, 2009 3:15:00 PM
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Joined: 9/12/2006
Posts: 27
@pauloti. I think these guys just caught you in your own game. As far as i know,the price on the LPO is based on what you quoted in your tender. So assuming the deal went thru as you had envisaged,then it would have been you ripping the taxpayers money. When the deal is too sweet.....
Burning Spear
#15 Posted : Monday, July 27, 2009 6:42:00 AM
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Joined: 7/22/2008
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Who said it only happens with govt....
My friend wanted a car loan from a reputable bank to do car hire job ....the payslip was somehow bad and he did not qualify the amount he wanted......a guy from the bank told him that credit dept guyz can work it out if motivated.
He did as advised and the loan was out 2 days later........

This thing corruption is everywhere.....public.....private and even our homes......think of a wife making demands for money and other precious things when she reads her man has reached mileage servicing.

Disclaimer : This is my opinion and not a recommendation.
"You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it". Malcolm X
#16 Posted : Monday, July 27, 2009 8:55:00 AM
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What if the we had an official bribery rate card we could all abide by?

For i am the master and the captain of my fate !
"For i am the master and the captain of my fate"
#17 Posted : Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:00:00 PM
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At the hospital I work in,if you would like to get onto the elective theater list faster and have your operation done sooner than your prescribed time,all you have to do is to 'motivate' the surgeon!

Sleep is the cousin of death.
Set out to correct the world's wrongs and you will most certainly wind up adding to them.
#18 Posted : Tuesday, July 28, 2009 1:10:00 PM
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What if you don't survive the surgery?Does the surgeon theN refund the 'motivation'?
#19 Posted : Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:20:00 AM
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By you own admission,you got the LPO corruptly...you say...'i got a small tender to supply hardware materials at the district level from GOK,for which i had to part with almost 30% of the order value just to get the LPO in my name.'

To whom did you pay the 30%,to GoK or to an individual? GoK does NOT ask tenderers to pay anything for the LPO...you only need to provide a redeemable bank tender guarantee.

So; if you ask me,it serves you right for encouraging corruption from the word go!! SHANE ON YOU again!!!!

And as far as the PPOA and KACC are concerned; have you lodged a complaint with them? Oh,of course you can't because you are the one who started the corruption in the whole transaction!!!!

Yet again SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

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#20 Posted : Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:29:00 AM
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@Burning Spear,

Did your friend manage to re-pay the loan with his 'somehow bad payslip'?

Perhaps he is struggling with the repayments and complaining that the banks are screwing him up!! Yet he was told from the word go that he couldn't afford the loan......then bribed somebody to say that he could...

It reminds me of the silly guys who bribe doctors to give them a clean bill of health in order to get a visa to go to Europe/USA....then when they get there,the develope a tropical ailment which the American/European doctors have never heard of....and spend many days quarantined in hospital for something they could have with drugs bought in a Kenyan kiosk...then they complain of racism....'Walinionea kwa sababu mimi ni mwafrika...'

Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow)
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
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