Drove along the old track line last weekend from Fort-Tenan (Fatana in local dialect) all the way to, Kipkelion (Lumbwa),Londiani, Mau Summit, Molo, Turi, Elburgon,Njoro and finally Nakuru and could not hold back my tears! SadSadSad
I grew along the railway track and traveled on it a-thousand times!
Looking at the state the monumental viaducts (those loooong silver bridges) choking in rust was too sad for me.
I went to Molo railway station and I literally collapsed due to overwhelming emotions, I was a toddler there few decades ago! The stairs we used to slid on and play kati with one @Jane Njeri was choking with moss!!! SadSadSad
The local were tethering goats on once lovely platform lamp posts...
The once massive EABL Malting Depot owned by Njenga Karume is a pale shadow of itself, it actually resembles a maasai cow shed! The rail tracks serving the deport are buried in thick silt and mud!
ION:Any wazuan who was bornm on the track like me in the house? Please share and let us do something to revive this golden relic!
Railway Group in 8.5 billion upgradePortfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.