@all....writing to watchie or standard's equivalent will take us nowhere...its called 'transfer of the real problem'.....we are very good at that as kenyans and we need to stop that
what we need to do is to answer KAZEE's question with some serious soul searching and real action....we should wake up and stop being so passive
why is it that the incompetencies of state managers and leaders are always passed to us at a premium price?...then we keep quiet and move on with life as if nothing really happened!!....Its time we said no! no! no! Never again! to this nonsense
The question is how? Can we brainstorm ladies and gentlemen? I propose some uhuru park kind of demonstrations........
and pray,do we have any consumer rights body in this country?...maybe we could start here by forming one to champion for our rights and previleges....we surely need one urgently if none exists at all....KENYA CONSUMERS' RIGHTS SOCEITY........mlefu can be chairman
@kazee...what did you have in mind?
over to you all.................
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.