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Selling Fresh Milk
#1 Posted : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1:12:00 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 6/19/2008
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Great People of SK

I am thinking of retiring. I intend to rear cows and be selling fresh milk when am out of formal employment. Now,if my memory serves me right,i recall there was a time the sale of fresh milk had some controversial issues... like one can not sell unprocessed milk or something like that. Was a law passed to that regard? Can i still sell fresh milk within or in the neighboring towns in Nairobi without getting in trouble with authorities... i would want to do a clean business without cutting corners... at retirement time,who wants to be running around with city or county council askaris???

Please let me know any kind of info that you may have in this regard.

Some deals are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
#2 Posted: : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1:42:00 PM
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Selling your milk to New KCC or Brookside saves you the hussle of having to run around with milk cans.Buying price,especially from Brookside is quite fair and they have collection points too.

Yombo dhier....!!
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#3 Posted : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1:55:00 PM
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Joined: 6/19/2008
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yes. was thinking that i could later on add value to the milk than just sell it fresh... but the place will need to be known first,you know. so when introducing the other milk products,people can already identify with the place...

Some deals are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
#4 Posted : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 7:10:00 PM
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Yes,there is a law or by law in effect against selling raw milk but it is a dormant or dead law just like the one about not displaying or owning the Kenyan flag. More than 80% of all milk sold in Kenya is raw. Unless someone has beef with you it is unlikely that a retired enterprising lady will be arraigned in court for keeping dairy cows and selling raw milk. Having said that please consider the labour intensiveness of dairy farming especially since you want to engage in it in retirement. Productive dairy farming is very involving and has no holidays. Feeding is something you will have to plan for all year round and keep changing with changing seasons as the availability of certain feeds changes. Labour that is cheap and reliable is critical to your breaking even and most of all you must be there or have super controls or the cows can eat your pension. If you are thinking of zero grazing ensure you have a reliable water source all year round. I wish you well but I just wanted to point out that relaxing while farming is an oxymoron. You either do one or the other but never both.

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Much Know
#5 Posted : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 9:45:00 PM
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Do you milk the cow on the spot as i wait ama?

Ninajua Yote!
Meru Holiness
#6 Posted : Wednesday, July 01, 2009 10:14:00 PM
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If you mean hawking-I think there might be issues. Lakini if its the word of mouth e.g. mama waitherero sells milk kwa wingi,then its very do-able. The other is supplying hotels.

To get to the level where you can make and sell yoghurts and the like,I think you may need to consult more knowledgeable farmers.
Profitable dairy farming sio part-time lakini

Sehemu ndio nyumba
#7 Posted : Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:09:00 AM
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yes, i intend to be on the ground but also have some competent guys to help. I believe i can still afford a one week holiday here and there if i get good people and working systems.


Yes,thats the route i intend to move that route may be open a milk parlour where you can get variety of hygienically packed fresh milk plus other products to be introduced with time.. not the hawking - hiyo siwesmek. umesikia ni na retire so will have lots of time plus if i can get good caretakers on a full time basis,i can still have some free time to do something else - or so i think.

Some deals are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
#8 Posted : Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:23:00 AM
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@ wendz

Now you!!! Heeee why do you want to be competition to my grandmother and you went to school?? sasa u want to tell me they wasted money on you!!!

Anyway try processing the milk. Processing fresh milk will need just clarification and homogenisation. Then you pack it. === Legal way of doing it.

Setting up a small processing place in your backyard might just set u back like 100K but ull be 10 steps ahead when selling your milk!!

#9 Posted : Sunday, July 05, 2009 6:25:00 AM
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Y are you retiring at that age? Make money both at bizna na jobo so if things dont work you can continue with your day job...ama?
#10 Posted : Sunday, July 05, 2009 7:17:00 AM
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@ Dexco,tell more abt processing n packaging ur own milk.
#11 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:52:00 AM
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Posts: 91
BTW; how can one test the quality of this fresh milk?

Just started buying it instead of the processed one since it's cost effective,
but the one that i bought yesterday was so dilute....

i hear the farmers/brokers add things like Unga,Hydrogen peroxide,margarine,and water.. to make a kill.

#12 Posted : Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:13:00 PM
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Retiring? Aiii,kwani how old iz you? Anyway,that's beside the point but for sure some places have completely been transformed by 'white gold' as milk is nowadays called. Just ask anyone from Githunguri town and surrounding areas. This town has quitely become one of Kenya's richest regions thanks to white gold. Maybe you should visit Githunguri for some feasibilty studies!

bY aNy MeAns NecEsSaRy.....
#13 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 3:20:00 PM
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Joined: 6/26/2008
Posts: 190

Just had to dig this post from the archives.
Here is my experience on dairy farming
I had 3 cows for a period of 3year before disposing them off to concentrate on other stuff. In that period i learnt a lot on the dairy farming.
Mine was more of telephone farming which i realized is quite tricky and prone to mismanagement and theft. i procured everything from the forage to the supplements and could "hawk" the milk. In fact buyers would stream by the door to buy the milk. A liter was going for minimum 30 bob and at times it could increase to 37/
The three cows at first would give 45 liter combined after calving but this diminished with time. in the course of the period,2 cows sired bulls of which 1 of the calves died owing to lack of care.(i stupidily poisoned it by feeding it supplements instead of the colostrum)
i had purchased the cows from a farm in naivasha and only later realized that the cows had actually been targeted for culling: two of the cows had calved over 5 times (too old) while the 3rd experienced difficulty in bringing "muruki" (showing signs of heat) - in short i had bought rejects; my only consolation was that i would count the sires as mine to manage.
During that period, the cows got foot and mouth and I was among the lucky guys who didn’t lose an animal to the disease. The disease spelt a major blow to my now loss riddled venture.- one of the cows had to be “dried “ cause it was too weak while the one that was hard detecting heat had now cut the milk.( dairy cows are ideally supposed to be milked for 305 days per year. Anything above that is straining the cows)
Lesson learnt from that short venture
1 Dairy farming requires dedication and on hand management. Don’t allow the milkman to handle the cash. By the time I was disposing them off, my milkman was laughing all the way to the “mpesa” (bank).
2 When purchasing a cow, examine all records of the particular animal. Any cow without records is not worth buying cause the owner probably isn’t keen with the cows’ management- I realized one of the cows had actually been operated on
3 If were given an option to venture into dairy farming, I would go full throttle! This time round nimejanjaruka
4 And people have the notion that dairy farming is for the less learned. My management style easily fits into this. However if I were to redo it all over again, I’d be wiser and more proactive in the daily management.
#14 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 3:47:14 PM
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nyangao wrote:

i had purchased the cows from a farm in naivasha and only later realized that the cows had actually been targeted for culling: two of the cows had calved over 5 times (too old) while the 3rd experienced difficulty in bringing "muruki" (showing signs of heat) - in short i had bought rejects; my only consolation was that i would count the sires as mine to manage.

@ Nyangao u have made my day. I have laughed my heart out on my desk. Surely dairy farming sio Mchezo.
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#15 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 5:17:08 PM
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swaleh wrote:
@ Dexco,tell more abt processing n packaging ur own milk.

I don't know about 100k lakini you can check this out...for processing milk

You can bottle the milk if you don't want to use polythene.
It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
#16 Posted : Wednesday, June 29, 2011 7:31:53 PM
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nyangao wrote:

Just had to dig this post from the archives.
Here is my experience on dairy farming
I had 3 cows for a period of 3year before disposing them off to concentrate on other stuff. In that period i learnt a lot on the dairy farming.
Mine was more of telephone farming which i realized is quite tricky and prone to mismanagement and theft. i procured everything from the forage to the supplements and could "hawk" the milk. In fact buyers would stream by the door to buy the milk. A liter was going for minimum 30 bob and at times it could increase to 37/
The three cows at first would give 45 liter combined after calving but this diminished with time. in the course of the period,2 cows sired bulls of which 1 of the calves died owing to lack of care.(i stupidily poisoned it by feeding it supplements instead of the colostrum)
i had purchased the cows from a farm in naivasha and only later realized that the cows had actually been targeted for culling: two of the cows had calved over 5 times (too old) while the 3rd experienced difficulty in bringing "muruki" (showing signs of heat) - in short i had bought rejects; my only consolation was that i would count the sires as mine to manage.
During that period, the cows got foot and mouth and I was among the lucky guys who didn’t lose an animal to the disease. The disease spelt a major blow to my now loss riddled venture.- one of the cows had to be “dried “ cause it was too weak while the one that was hard detecting heat had now cut the milk.( dairy cows are ideally supposed to be milked for 305 days per year. Anything above that is straining the cows)
Lesson learnt from that short venture
1 Dairy farming requires dedication and on hand management. Don’t allow the milkman to handle the cash. By the time I was disposing them off, my milkman was laughing all the way to the “mpesa” (bank).
2 When purchasing a cow, examine all records of the particular animal. Any cow without records is not worth buying cause the owner probably isn’t keen with the cows’ management- I realized one of the cows had actually been operated on
3 If were given an option to venture into dairy farming, I would go full throttle! This time round nimejanjaruka
4 And people have the notion that dairy farming is for the less learned. My management style easily fits into this. However if I were to redo it all over again, I’d be wiser and more proactive in the daily management.

Interesting read!
#17 Posted : Thursday, June 30, 2011 10:51:13 AM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 5/26/2011
Posts: 23
Milk Pro is a wonderful idea, especially for babies. I hope that the agents involved give their all in its marketing.
#18 Posted : Thursday, June 30, 2011 2:45:52 PM
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@ Wendz,

Exactly two years on today...... what became of your dream?
I Think Therefore I Am
#19 Posted : Thursday, June 30, 2011 3:29:34 PM
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I understand you can make 1.8 million a year!

Ric dees
#20 Posted : Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:28:26 PM
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Well said, i echo your sentiments and like you i started with 3 cows sometime in 09 now i have 10 so far so good, and as Njunge pointed out KCC has made things so much easier nowadays in terms of selling milk,trasparency et al.

My difference comes is from listening to some old men in nyeri and following almost to the letter their advice: i have always bought calves who are always about 6 months to sire (usually in 2's), in that period i have tried to learn as much as i could bout the calves without incurring expensive lessons (read from when its starts producing milk). Avoid buying from large farms, as a rule of thumb i never buy from farms with more than a herd of 10 and so far it's been working for me. Like you said on-hand management is required and you need some-one reliable/trustworthy for me this is not an issue and if you can get back to it coz it is hugely lucrative, it's times like this i wish i can get back home.

@Wendz i strongly suggest get in now, buy a calf and start there!! (tafadhali usingoje retire) There is a farm in Muranga, where i went severally when i was starting out, they usually deal with feeds and doing large scale farming i don't have the business card with me but can look up the name and they will teach you a lot bout dairy farming.

@Dexco, tell us more sounds like something i could try my hand on!!

PS: Njunge & Nyangao, could you please suggest what dawa (ticks) you would recommend for the cows, this has been my current challenge as well as the salt lick? i seem to have gone round the market in terms of these 2 products, the cows are in gatitu - nyeri.

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