ChessMaster wrote:Annti_Christy wrote:ChessMaster wrote:dunkang wrote:LINK HEREJust what would be the problem?
- Culture?
- Government Policy?
- Poverty?
- Education system?
- Poor/inadequate parentage?
- Immigration?
- Are kids having too much fun?
It has to be culture.I find it to be the most important element of any society.It will dictate parenting,education and morals and thats what the children will use to make decisions.
Why is it not a combination of all those? why just culture?
Culture defines how we view and interact with ourselves,others and our environments.So culture dictates all the rest.
I'm proud of the code of conduct expected of Muslims to observe.It forbids a lot of "bad" lifestyles, any kind of things that potentially unclean or lead to corrupt society.
Muslims are taught that ‘
your body has rights over you’, and the leading of a healthy lifestyle are seen as religious obligations.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be with him) said:‘
Ask God for certainty [of faith] and well-being; for after certainty, no one is given any gift better than health!’
The Bible says:- Don't drink alcohol, it's satan's handiwork.
- Don't gamble
- Don't do idle worship
- Don't commit adultery
- Don't wear provocative clothes
- Don't wear men's clothes if you're woman
- Don't wear wommen's clothes if you're man
- Marry if you can't control your body (it didn't not say Marry only one as some people want to mislead others!!)
If people followed theseWe would have solutions for world's biggest problems to humanity.
No other religion has solution as Islam have:
- drug abuse
- prostitution
- alcoholism
- bastard children
- excess women
- crime
But people are not following the the book.They are not going to the book.
They say "
We have our heros. The guy from the West. Whatever he says, we follow"
But do these people tell us the solution they have to solve the problem of excess women, including the single ones?
People say nothing about mpango wa kando- Young people are maturing early, they engage in ilicit affairs.
- But when Islam encourages people to marry early to avoid falling in sin, or somebody decides to marry more than one woman, this does not go down their throats!
Look at Islamic countries.HIV prevalence is less than 0.1%.
What does that tell you?