FUNKY wrote:How were the results for Kapchorua Tea?
Operational profits down 72%. Reasons:
Weather conditions have been generally favourable with crop levels above estimate. The actual costs of doing business have increased
substantially, broken down into large increases in the cost of green leaf purchases, power, fuel, selling and distribution costs, an additional
12% on wage costs and huge increases to our export of taxation liabilities. In addition plant, property and equipment were revalued at
March 2012 which significantly increased the depreciation charge for the six months. Prices for tea have been overall satisfactory
with no significant fluctuations in the Kenya Shilling although compared to the same time a year ago the Dollar / Shilling price is averaging
7% stronger in favour of the Shilling. The combination of all theses factors have reduced the operational profit by 72%.
See the results at the wazua group
If you don't want to go to plan B have a good plan A.