@famooz you are not alone.
I care more about functionality.The thing I like about this one is the mapping.Better than google maps.My current phone serves me well,so maybe just maybe when I have nothing better to do, I may consider.
Seen the queues?? all over the world?
Word has it that the top 10 on each queue bear names such as njugush,kimani,wanjiru, because it's extremely profitable biz which some have perfected over the years.
Whenever there is a launch you will find them already on queue before the rest of the world joins in.
I now leave you to guess the amount they get paid to do just that!
When njugush gets to the counter,he buys 2 or 3.
He keeps one,sells another to the guy at the back of the queue for twice/thrice the price and the other he delivers to a client for which he gets paid to do.Again very good money.
Selling your space is also very profitable.
A space on queue could cost twice the price of the phone!
And we ask why the queues are long!!
One may place order online but aim is to get it fast before the shipper delivers it to others.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.