mmmhhh Mombasa republican council vs nairobi citizen
Let us sit down and respect the MRC for doing what every other Kenyan should be doing. Instead of complaining all the time, why don't you take the city kajos to court.
Trying to blame Mutunga here or even the judiciary is really unfair.
You are the one being bundled in the lorry. You are the one who's accepting to pay a fine for something you didn't do.
Be brave and take the case to court.
It's time citizens started taking matters into their own hands.
I choose the cowardly option. I never go to the city center. I'm so scared of those kajo jamaas I even switch off my phone in case they accuse me of shouting in the streets. It's so bad, when I see a kajo guy, I run towards a policeman.
Other people I know or to be precise most Kenyans I know choose to bribe. So it seems the system works.
Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.