..an example....VISIT Rongai Boys High school if u r around Nakuru- This school has run farms 4 some time:-poultry/ incl turkey, veges (variety), dairy...It's an American Lasalle brother ran school...
Successfully!! as they run it to manage the schools demand first..the kids do it, but this could be tweaked to fit the the places..Why should institutions with huge land ever keep raising fees for consumables while they could actually demonstrate the product of 'learning/education' by producing theirs (both high schools and colleges)!!!
They need to teach 'doing it' (solutions) in order to produce graduates more solution oriented- Kenya has to progress...or is this why we see every other institution asking for more funds to 'enable' them to do their tasks-the product of which is usually inefficient handling. I say, utilize what is there effectively kwanza..
..Am no activist! just saying