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Rafael Correa-President of Equador-Kenya should copy his method of dealing with Worldbank.
#1 Posted : Tuesday, May 22, 2012 4:32:12 PM
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Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado (6 April 1963)[1] is the President of the Republic of Ecuador and was the president pro tempore of the Union of South American Nations. An economist educated in Ecuador, Belgium and the United States, he was elected President in late 2006 and took office in January 2007. In December 2008, he declared Ecuador's national debt illegitimate, based on the argument that it had been contracted by corrupt/despotic prior regimes. He then pledged to fight creditors in international courts, and succeeded in reducing the price of the debt letters and continued paying all the debt.[2] He brought Ecuador into the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas in June 2009.

Correa's first term in office had been due to end on 15 January 2011, but the new approved constitution written by the new National Assembly mandated general elections for 26 April 2009. In that election, Rafael Correa won in the first round with 51.9%[3] of votes counted.

As Iron Sharpens Iron, So one Man Sharpens Another.
#2 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 9:02:20 AM
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Can only happen if a president who is completely clean is elected ...otherwise the IMF and World Banks will throw back allegations of leaders of being complicit in corruption directly or indirectly, ..perhaps require a forensic audit - the application wouldn't stand in court. Do you see anyone in the current stable of candidates clearing this high bar?
#3 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:31:23 AM
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@quicksand, unfortunately none of the potential candidates seem to understand economics at this level-only Pres. Kibaki seems to be in the know with his snubbing of European diplomats and encouragement of Kenya to trade more with other African countries.
As Iron Sharpens Iron, So one Man Sharpens Another.
#4 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:39:26 AM
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If KE gets a bogus president with the coming of oil, I don't want to complete this statement...
KE needs solid politicians who will stand up to the oil cartel as well as IMF/WB and its sisters. Otherwise... The current political class cannot cut the grade, and I really pray the voters eyes are opened for them to see and put up a wise outcome.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#5 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 11:10:26 AM
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@hisah..very true.
Part the of the success in Latin America's economy is the fact that voters are more enlightened so they know what they want in leadership as opposed to .KE situation where voters hope their guy can steer some goodies to them somehow coz of tribal alliance.
As Iron Sharpens Iron, So one Man Sharpens Another.
#6 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:14:13 PM
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wow, this guy has survived that long? the jackals must have slackened
#7 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:20:44 PM
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@kizee1..maybe its coz of the recession..hakuna pesa za kulipa majackals..or maybe coz of internet..the world is now getting to understand these things after Saddam and Gadaffi..
As Iron Sharpens Iron, So one Man Sharpens Another.
#8 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 1:18:27 PM
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a4architect.com wrote:
@kizee1..maybe its coz of the recession..hakuna pesa za kulipa majackals..or maybe coz of internet..the world is now getting to understand these things after Saddam and Gadaffi..

i wonder, anyway it shows that its possible to stand up to the money masters
#9 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 2:35:07 PM
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kizee1 wrote:
a4architect.com wrote:
@kizee1..maybe its coz of the recession..hakuna pesa za kulipa majackals..or maybe coz of internet..the world is now getting to understand these things after Saddam and Gadaffi..

i wonder, anyway it shows that its possible to stand up to the money masters

Yep. Houdini act to survive this long with all the economic hitmen and jackals lurking around. I guess Ecuador learned from the best since the assassination of president Jaime Roldos in 1981. More here - https://www.youtube.com/...feature=relmfu&t=84


And a banker tells you so... https://www.youtube.com/...emQ&feature=related

$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#10 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 2:48:50 PM
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@hisah..Latin America has said enough is enough..looks like they have stopped worrying about political assassinations.
Africans are the ones who need to rise up and throw the cowardice away and take the bull by the horns a.k.a Kibaki.
Kibaki has really tried. For an African president to tell off the West, it requires serious guts.
As Iron Sharpens Iron, So one Man Sharpens Another.
#11 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 3:44:16 PM
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a4architect.com wrote:
@hisah..Latin America has said enough is enough..looks like they have stopped worrying about political assassinations.
Africans are the ones who need to rise up and throw the cowardice away and take the bull by the horns a.k.a Kibaki.
Kibaki has really tried. For an African president to tell off the West, it requires serious guts.

i beg to differ, just because he embraced china it does not mean that he said enough is enough.... he just tried as you mention below but behind the scenes we all know.....
#12 Posted : Wednesday, May 23, 2012 6:55:16 PM
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Jamani wrote:
a4architect.com wrote:
@hisah..Latin America has said enough is enough..looks like they have stopped worrying about political assassinations.
Africans are the ones who need to rise up and throw the cowardice away and take the bull by the horns a.k.a Kibaki.
Kibaki has really tried. For an African president to tell off the West, it requires serious guts.

i beg to differ, just because he embraced china it does not mean that he said enough is enough.... he just tried as you mention below but behind the scenes we all know.....

Jamani....i think your not getting it. When monies are borrowed from China...the guys fund the project to completion unlike the World Bank that halts the funding halfway and give demands (case in point Msaroad and Southern Bypass). The fact is IMF and World bank are tools of the west that are used to drive their agenda to those they loan money.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
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