I think that complaining over and over without proving that wazua as a community is mature enough to engage in positive politics will just harden the admins stance. Truth be told, the freedom of speech does not accord us the freedom to insult those of divergent views and in effect contribute in polarising this country. Perhaps as a sign of good faith, we can join in formulating the new rules/code of conduct for engaging. That would be a sign that we can self regulate.
On another note its now clear to me why wazungu wako mbele. Instead of mad slinging the way we do on wazua, their approach to politics is objective and action oriented. Check out this site
These guys are using the web to both contribute to their country's political debate as well as help nominate an independent candidate.
In a nut shell, they invite users to
• Define the crucial issues facing our nation—beyond just red and blue.-Rank your priorities for our next president
-Answer questions that determine your individual views
-See how you compare to other delegates and candidates
Shape the Debate-Choose the questions all candidates must answer to seek the Americans Elect nomination.
-Help define the "Platform of Questions" by voting and posting your own
-Debate the issues with other delegates and candidates
-Meet up with other delegates in your area
Choose the Candidates-Find and draft candidates with solutions that work
-Match with candidates who share your views
-Draft new candidates to run on Americans Elect
-Follow and support candidates with solutions you believe in
Cast Your Vote-Nominate the President and VP directly
-Narrow the field of candidates
-Evaluate finalists’ choices for vice president
-Vote in the online convention