David Slays GoliathMzungu will never allow it to happen in Africa.
The government will never admit it is possible.
However, the real sons and daugthers of the soil have remaind defiant to the doubting Thomases and gone ahead to provide a solution tothe HIV pandemic that has left everyone affected in one way or another.
Reading the story I remember a story of man who got healed of HIV/Aids by a herbalist in Western Kenya. The guy had left Nairobi for home to die.
Reaching home a neighbour told him of this solution. Knowing he was going to die anyway, he decided to try. To cut the long story short - the guy came back to Nairobi and got his job back.
There's a cure.
Step 1: Repentance for the spiritual part, in case one got infected thru mpango wa kando.
Step 2: Eat well - healthy food and the herbs provided for by the David slaying the Goliath in you.