Drunkard wrote:@kihengari
Do you even know anything about stocks? Just wondering!
Please, spare me the trouble of arguing with a vacuous brain owner. I was searching for somewhere to use the term 'Vacuous' after reading it in the papers today.
All in all, Britons are the worst in written English. Remember that Kenyan girl (She must have been Kikuyu) who thrashed the whole of England, Isle of Man, Iceland, Ireland, Scotland, Jersey Island, Asse of Queen, Folkland Islands and other unknown British Islands or territory in English National Exams? In short, Kenyan ladies are better in English than the kin of the Queen her self and British MPs combined.
That argument about British MPs and written English does not allow the dossier to be true is called Hogwash preserved in Magadi.
Now to your question Drunkard. I do not argue with small boys.
By inference, the man is all that Mr Phantom is not: an untrustworthy radical, divisive, too many enemies, a dictator, and a persistent liar...Gaitho dialogues.