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women submission in marriage
Ithe Wa Andu
#1 Posted : Saturday, December 03, 2011 3:08:25 PM
Rank: Hello

Joined: 10/22/2011
Posts: 4
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Dear Reader,

With joy and gladness I welcome you to this wonderful edition of Family Success. Thank God it is December, the month of Christmas! I am sure you have every reason to be thankful unto God for His goodness, mercy, protection, healing, provisions and all that He has done for you this year.

Things may not have worked the way you envisaged, but for the fact that you are still breathing, you owe God thanks!

This month, especially with so much enthusiasm from women, it is important that a key factor is considered while making all things ready and best for the season. This key factor is what I tagged: The Power Of Submission! I pray that you shall not just be the reader, but the doer of the Word in Jesus’ name.

What does the word “submit” mean? It means to put oneself under the control of another. Submission is essentially a matter of the heart, which will eventually find expression outward. The heart is where the foundation for submission is built. Hence, any submission that is not genuinely from the heart is mere hypocrisy.

What God did at creation clearly reflects the position of the woman in the home. He took a rib from the side of the man to make the woman. God’s Word says:

And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof (Genesis 2:21).

The fact that the bone was not extracted from Adam’s head attests that the man’s position as head is incontestable. Also, the fact that the bone was not taken from Adam’s feet, proves that the wife is not to be trodden under foot or trampled upon as a slave.

After making the woman, God presented her to the man for government (Genesis 2:22). That is, the woman has a primary responsibility of submitting to the leadership of the man, as ordained by God from creation. God’s Word says: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22). It is God’s command that the woman submits to her own husband. Thus, it is not an option, it’s an instruction!

Your words reveal whether you are genuinely submissive or not. Action, they say, speak louder than voice. True submission to a husband will definitely reflect in the woman’s behaviour. Notice that the submission is supposed to be “…in everything” (Ephesians 5:24). In essence, “everything” covers all areas of life.

When a woman allows her husband to fulfill his covenant role of headship, she has automatically given him the room to play his messianic role over her. According to my husband, sometime ago when my health was under attack, he went apart to inquire of the Lord on what to do. He said as he searched through the Scriptures, he discovered from Ephesians 5:23 that he is the saviour of my body, the same way Christ is of the Church. He then concluded, therefore, that I did not require my faith to be healed, hence, he could exercise his God-given authority over me, as head of our home.

He said he returned home and learnt I had been taken to the hospital. Without much ado, he had his bath, drove down to the hospital and ordered the doctor to remove all the medical gadgets that were on me and discharge me. Amidst protests from the doctor, he took me home.

Later in the day, the doctor came to our home to visit his “patient”, only to be told that I had gone to the hair dresser! The patient was no longer a patient! That was the end of the bout with sickness. Perhaps, if I wasn’t reciprocating my husband’s love with submission, he would have become weary of loving me. But by submitting to him in everything, I give him the co-operation he needs to fulfill his “messianic” role in my life.

Submission to one’s husband in everything is not put there by God to torment you, neither did He institute marriage to make life difficult and unbearable for you. Marriage is not a necessary evil like many think. It is instituted by God to be heaven on earth. From this time forward, whatever family you represent, it will begin to stand out in Jesus’ name!

Your submission must first be unto the Lord and then, submitting to your husband won’t be difficult. Being born again fosters your submission to the Lord. You get born again by saying this prayer of faith:

Dear Lord, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins. Cleanse me with Your precious Blood. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Now I know I am born again!

Congratulations! Till I come your way again next week, call or write, and share your testimonies with me through:

E-mail: faithdavid@yahoo.com
Tel. No: 234-1-7747546-8; 07026385437, 07094254102

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all the Living Faith Churches, and other leading Christian bookstores:

Marriage Covenant
Making Marriage Work
Building a Successful Family.

Copyright © 2011, David Oyedepo Ministries International Inc.
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