hi maina,
you started an outfit which reigned terror on innocent people by:
....beheading them for sins committed by others.
....knifing their bellies and splashing their guts onto the dry scotched earth.
....denying the young men education by forcefully conscripting them into the organisation with the promise of death if they did not comply.
....circumsising the young girls and grown up women against their wishes.
....extorting money from businesses all in the name of protection that never was.
....breaking innocent people's families by forcefully taking their wives and turning them into ugly monsters.
....taking sides in politics to perpetuate the tyranical rule of the system and the outfit.
why are you crying now when the people you dined with, drunk with, laughed with, slept with, cut deals with etc come to claim their part of the bagain!!!
or it seems now the mother nature has slowly started the natural justice for the hundreds of the dead peacefully turning in their graves...and of course the incapacitated beggars living amongst us who were once strong thriving citizens.
you are just gonna reap what you sowed and you will gonna have to eat it alone...
deal with the situation yourself and don't involve or cry out to anybody...you were in it alone and you got the spoils alone!!!!NKT!!!
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...