True. Kwamchetsi's satire was not lost on me. And through it, he raises the important question you point out; "Is it possible for a lady to lead men to war?". More broadly, and what I hope this discussion will be about,to what extent are the sexes equal? Isn't it a fact that one sex is more suitable for some roles and responsibilities than others? If this is the case, what roles and responsibilities are these? Who decides them? If this is not the case, what are we saying about, say, the family or religion - two entities that espouse gender-based role division? How do we tell today's young man who grew up with a father whose word was law that he is now an equal partner with his wife... to consult on every non-trivial decision? And if we are taking equality that seriously, what happens to chivalry, to chasing a girl, to cooking for your man... What does equality make right, what does it make wrong and where do we draw the line?
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