mmunguti wrote:I wonder what the logic of sacking unfit officers is. These are people who did not do well in KCSE and have not have further training in any other field. they joined the force and have been trained in the art of using weapons and marching.....nothing else. NO TRAINING whatsoever in any other field. They have gained experience in harassing Kenyans too. Now, when they get sacked, what kinda business will they get into to earn a living????
This is our main problem. Wondering what they will do, where they will go, will they become thugs? etc. etc. That is analyzing things upside down!
The question is, are they qualified to hold the jobs they have? Is there anything can that can be done [cost effectively] to make them qualified? If the answer to both questions is "No" then there is no other way around it. They have to go. Period!
Second part of the issue should be:-
1) Asking ourselves if there is anything we can do to make sure they are productive and can fend for themselves AFTER we let them go.
2) Asking ourselves how we will track and deal those who will inevitably become [more like continue being] criminals.
The country should be run like a company. Decisions have to be well thought out and we should always ask ourselves "How will this impact the company [country]?", "Will it make more competitive/profitable etc.?". This country has been run emotionally for too long. How I wish we could get a successful C.E.O/business leader etc. to run this country for at least two terms.
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.