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Toyota Starlet vs Mazda Demio
#1 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:46:00 AM
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Good morning wananchi watukufu wa SK?

I trust that you are all healthy today and should there be one that is not feeling so well,May the Lord Almighty grant you quick health this day; Amen.

Over the weekend I went to Jamuhuri Park Car Bazzer; I found a Mazda Demio KBG going for Ksh 450,000.

Yesterday a mechanic friend of mine showed me another car,Toyota Starlet,KAW,very very good condition and relatively low mileage (59,000km) also going for the same amount.

Need to make a decision today; which one would you advise that I go for? What are the merits and de-merits of each?

I appreciate your advise. Have a lovely day.

each day is a gift from God; I dont know if I will be here tomorrow; should I be,I'll make the most of it for God's glory; should I be not,pick up and keep the legacy
#2 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 6:23:00 AM
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Posts: 132
@ mkristo,

For this class of car,the demio is very good,and the starlet (I'm guesssing being a KAW,it must be the EP91) is another great one.

I suspect your mechanic friend knew your budget,that's why he or she quoted 450K for the starlet- I would say go for the starlet and if I were you I would be seeking to pay around 380K for the Starlet. Otherwise the Demio pricing is Ok,so is it's performance but replacement of some parts e.g Shock absorbers for the MAZDA may cause you sleepless nights.


#3 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:21:00 AM
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Posts: 22
Lakini....59,000Km???? Ya mwaka gani hiyo starlet?

Nyege ni Kunyegezana
#4 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:38:00 AM
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Thought so too but 59,000km for a KAW (could be year 1999 latest) starlet is still possible. If it came in at say 25,000km 34,000km over 2.5 years is still possible although unlikely because the starlet is a utility car whose owners may use daily.

But check the engine and body and the suspension plus interior to judge if the odometer could be tampered with . Has it been freshly painted? If yes,be even more careful.

Lakini usilipe zaidi ya 380,000 no matter how good it looks. Infact from the initial price of 450,you could get to knock off 100K and still find a well kept starlet in Nairobi.

#5 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:11:00 AM
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I'd go with the toyota too,mainly because of parts availability. Try negotiate for a lower price though. Incidentally,on another thread someone's offloading an AE103...more spacious than the starlet,probably same engine capacity.

Nyege ni Kunyegezana
#6 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:17:00 AM
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the Starlet was is owned by a Chuti. It's mostly been used between Parklands,Cbd and back. I saw the car and honestly it is in mint condition,I could not believe it myself.

I cheked whether ti has been repainted,unless those guys are very good at their paint work,it has its original paint. There is one or two tiny scratches on the body which look old and indicate that the car has not been repainted.

the engine is clean,no signs of damage to the radiator and other accessories etc.

thank you for stating the specific price I should burgain for. I'll try and do that.

each day is a gift from God; I dont know if I will be here tomorrow; should I be,I'll make the most of it for God's glory; should I be not,pick up and keep the legacy
#7 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:23:00 AM
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For that amount you could import a vitz,platz,cedia or B15.Mind you a car that has done 10000km in kenya is usually worse off than that of 30000km in japan.
The utimate goal of investing is to buy low sell high;if we re-write this core equation in psychology terms it becomes buy fear sell greed.
#8 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:58:00 AM
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If in mint condition,take the starlet. Its a hi demand car that u can easily dispose if u get bored. Also pretty fast,stable,hardy,maintains its value,durable. Price,katalia 350k. Demio is a weakling n the body easily dented ata na ngumi. My few cents.

The only reason why some people are still alive is coz its illegal to shoot them!!
#9 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:33:00 AM
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@skabz and all

I value your opinions deeply.

actually this car is for my wife whose work involves crossing through the city a bit often. She saw the Demio and really liked it (Blue). She also saw the Starlet and agreed that it looks as good as the Demio safe from the registration difference.

i guess you understand why I value your opinion here cos I dont want to make a mistake of not buying for her the appropriate car,but also one that offers value for money.

each day is a gift from God; I dont know if I will be here tomorrow; should I be,I'll make the most of it for God's glory; should I be not,pick up and keep the legacy
#10 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:38:00 AM
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starlet anyday. value and performance.

Life is what you make it !!!
Just do it!
#11 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:43:00 AM
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@ mkristo all the best with the huggling. Sounds like the car is well checked out and good,but if you haven't bought,ask for service history (to inform your future servicing) and check the engine mounting. Lastly and VERY IMPORTANT,if automatic,test drive it around,pulling it to say 120 kph to detect any problems with gear shifting and wheel alignment (which you can fix at Kshs 1,500 anyway). You see people sell cars for both good and bad reasons. But from your description,you have landed on a good car.

@pilsner,when someone is looking for a 1300cc starlet,(s)he may not be interested in a 1500cc AE103. Remember,not everybody carries cabbages or text books or milk around everyday and even if they did,they may want another smaller and beautiful car for personal use. Mark you,the EE103 and the Starlet all carry 5 passengers. The EE 103 (also known as punda or olwenda) is particularly sturdy and a great car-its like a pickup-wagon. But is also ugly and a hotcake for car thieves all over the country .

@sheep. Your postulation that 10,000km in Japan is better than 30,000km in Kenya is very wrong. It depends on the individual driver and how well the car is maintained. Have you ever visited Japan?

@ simonkabz,One buys a car to drive,not to box with it. In Nairobi,you will find Starlets or even Mercerdes Benzes with wavy panels and in the same city,you will find a Demio with a perfect body. It all depends on how well a car is taken care off. And sometimes you are involved in an accident and the best body work you can get still leaves you with wavy panels.

@ that other person who thinks 450K can get you a Cedia,B15,Vitz or whatever the fourth car was. Do your math again. You will not manage even a Tata nano.

#12 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:59:00 AM
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from your reply,i dont think you really are a Spendthrift,you must be one that looks carefully at what you put your money into.

anyways,thank you for reminding me about service History,i had actually forgotten that. Every car i've had before,I have kept a good service history and i know it comes in handy when one is selling or buying a car. I hope I'll be able to get one from these guys.

from what I gather,it is as though the Stralet takes the day,only that it should not cost 450K. I'll try and burgain down.

It is true that for 450K you cannot get a B15,Cedia and others unless one that has been used for sometime. For me to have reached where I am,trust me nimezunguka.

I'll let you all know what happens. if things don't go quite as I had hoped,i may as well settle for the Demio.

each day is a gift from God; I dont know if I will be here tomorrow; should I be,I'll make the most of it for God's glory; should I be not,pick up and keep the legacy
#13 Posted : Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:30:00 PM
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Hehehee spendman,mlevi ka mimi naweza angukia hako kademio niharibu the already ugly bodyworks...Trust me,given the same treatment,the starlo's body will outlive the demio.

The only reason why some people are still alive is coz its illegal to shoot them!!
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