A lot of prayers has been offered to God to deliver men from 'Hague'.
I could not help but notice Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova and how......you know,....human she is. She is certainly not some ogre we were being made to believe that even men of cloth could shout prayers against....or did someone see the devil in that courtroom?
It is not like the men are being persecuted for their faith. Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova, unlike Nero of the old, is not going to ask them to turn against God or she throws them into jail.
Someone will say Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova is not personally bad but the system she represents. I preempt that by stating the men and their entourage had a chance to create a Kenyan system but they chose not to.
Enough of prayers, instead of praying for themselves, what selfish people, they better pray for the family members they will leave behind in the village.