sometime back In isiolo town a lorry failed its brakes some few kilometer to the you know Isiolo town is down a hill and the highway cuts the town into two so in most cases the highway is littered with pple or vehicles.
The crew of the lorry did the unthinkable instead of jumping ship the conductor sat on top of the lorry as the driver tried to take control of the lorry as he hooted to warn the pple ,The conductor on top of the lorry waved frantically warning pple to stay away from the road.
They managed to pass thru' the town without hurting anyone.The lorry went and plunged into a nearby valley luckily the crew sustained minor injuries.It was quite a fit that the DC feted them in ceremony to celebrate their heroic and selfless act.
I now wonder why cant we all be like that crew, minding the welfare of others.I have realised that here in the city Nobody cares about the safety of others Take for instance eastlands(specifically kayole n umoja estates) Evey flat lacks an emergency exit door at the back I sometime wonder what would happen if something tragic happened in those houses.
' the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3