kizee1 wrote:they should start tightening mop up the taka taka kes floating in the economy
Makes hell of a lot sence.
until the leaks in the pipes (bad governance and hungry corrupt kenyans), i woud advise suppresing money supply. if we have to spend, lets spend it on sure capital projects, like the road and agriculture not billions in administration changes (counties) and cdf projects where mtu wa mkono analipwa 1200 ksh per day!! to build a 3 roomed structure at 2m ksh wtf!!
worst thing G.k can do is approve the 10-20% pay rise. jus like the debt crisis in europe and the morgage burst of '08, lets learn a lesson. no use chasing after economic growth (short-term growth) at the expense of the wider future. Hard times bring inovation, just ask singapore and spain