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Rank: User Joined: 1/24/2012 Posts: 1,675 Location: In Da Hood
essyk wrote:I highly doubt that. It's not ignorance,it's plain provocation. Getting into each others nerves to get reactions. We all know these symbols and can differentiate the good from the bad. I think people who interpret anything odd as belonging to the underside take to the extreme. But again,it's the spirit's work to discern not our minds,eyes or ears. i think you should have been there when the discussion was starting maybe it would have had some more sense. you see you donot have to shout ontop of the world that you like the devil you can just simply play ignorance to all his ways and trust me thats good enough . but to answer this silly question Quote:Yes musicians use symbols, even catholics use symbols, even your grandmother uses symbols. So what is the point? even God during the old times used signs and symbols what we are against is symbols used to evil worship . and from your argument so far you really dont mind seeing devil worshiping symbols in your entertainment . Heck even better you donot know what they are ?????
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/15/2011 Posts: 4,518
Stop seeking symbols and seek God. When you seek God you see less of the symbols and their power over you cz His grace is overpowering. If you have the spirit of God you will discern what is and what is not of God.Its that simple! You can carry a cross symbol with the model of christ on it.But that doesn't mean the bearer is holy.He could be worse than Rihanna herself. That is why I find it vain to really focus on symbols cz they can be a disguise. Mehn the devil can come as an angel of light not as a 3 horned red creature. Have God and everything else will fall in place. May the grace........be with us now and forever more Amen. "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/20/2007 Posts: 4,432
QW25091985 wrote:
even God during the old times used signs and symbols what we are against is symbols used to evil worship . and from your argument so far you really dont mind seeing devil worshiping symbols in your entertainment . Heck even better you donot know what they are ?????
QW now symbols are ok? If they are not devil worship? Please without shouting the word SCAM as you do, can you please give us evidence of any symbol being used by the devil. That is a simple question, don't meander around it. Show us one symbol and give us the evidence. Again I need someone to answer the questions asked earlier. Who amongst you has been to a devil worshipper's meeting? Please do not say we all know...It's like a virgin saying how sex is sweet. How would he/she know? I am not young. I remember a time when evangelicals would go around saying that Catholics worship idols...Some still do. There was a time when some "preachers" would not go to the funeral with someone with HIV as it was "the devil's" disease....Some still do. There was a time when having a child without that husband was considered a terminal illness that would lead you straight to the devil. Until the same pastors starting having ndogo ndogos....Some still believe so. There was even a time when voting Yes to the new constitution was preached in churches that it would lead to mass abortions on Kenyatta avenue. And the devil would open a doorway somewhere on jamia mosque.....Some still believe so.. Most of these people have no control on their own lives so would rather blame the devil, devil worshippers and any new devil that comes along, for their failures. So Jzee and Beyonce now sell many songs because they use symbols of the devil.... Wewe uliona shetani wapi akupe manual yake ya symbols?A lot of people have gotten away in life calling people what they wish. They happen to be very noisy, after all part of the sadaka is used to buy airtime on citizen. It doesn't mean they are right. Worse, most of the time they are absolutely wrong and confused. When you ask them to answer questions, they quote a verse in the Bible. Then they move on to calling you an aethiest and next a devil worshipper. If you have said a sign belongs to devil worshipping, please, this is as good a place as any to prove it. Using a word like "ignorant" when asked for evidence is as ignorant as it gets. Jose: If I make it through this thug life, I'll see you one day. The Lord is the only way to stop the hurt.
Rank: New-farer Joined: 3/1/2011 Posts: 48
In high school,i had once a Bible thumping bedmate who called Catholics agents of the devil.She was na official of the Christian Union and even now is "very saved". That occasion and many others have taught me never to trust most of the people who shout "devil devil" from the rooftops. I would rather keep the company of a virtuous atheist than any of these people. Why would any good Christian call people "ignorant",accuse them of liking the devil,tell them off for emptying their mouths and be obsessed with devilish signs and symptoms instead of striving to be a better person. QW,Jesus said "why do you pay attention to the speck in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in yours?" “You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”
― Anne Lamott
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/5/2010 Posts: 2,061 Location: Nairobi
I went back to page 1 of this thread, clicked on the video and watched from start to finish. It is interesting to say the least,...and the fluid imagery with the horns in the rihanna sequence, the eye of horus imagery had me puzzled .... Then the wheels started coming off when they showed michael jackson doing some dance moves, tearing his shirt off as his "sign" of his "breaking away" from the illuminati ..and then he turns into a black ominous looking panther as a sign of him being totally free and on the right path! Then along comes Eminem, saying he is Rain Man and sitting in a glass box on a detroit street in front of two high rise buildings - this the narrator attributes to symbolism of the "higher ups" of the illuminati as watching Eminem from above. Reeally???
Yes. There is some stuff there that piques the interest, certainly looks very odd in 20/20 highlighting, but there is also a lot of conjecture, stuff that can be interpreted in different ways depending on who you ask. The film maker is skidding on thin ice - there isn't enough subject matter on symbolism, lacking which the film jumps to Eminem (and other artistes) hearing voices in their heads urging them to do stuff. Psychiatrists will tell you that hearing voices is a good diagnosis of mental illness, hallucinatory drugs, MPD, Schizophrenia or mood disorders - this alone shoots the creditibility of nearly the second half of the film to tatters. I mean if a fellow you know started telling you the devil is talking to him will you book him with Dr Njenga or will you blame the illuminati?
Anyhow, just watch the entire film, draw your conclusions and let us continue the argument, OK?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 2/3/2010 Posts: 1,797 Location: Kenya
@QW.. u don't have to prove anything. you have done your bit. Let those who have ears hear I may be wrong..but then I could be right
Rank: Member Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 851 Location: nairobi
alma wrote:@murenj you have basically described me to the dot.
1. have cheap rings 2. i come to work at 5am 3. i lock myself in the office....im the boss 4. wall hangings in my office are my art collection 5. I don't really hate born agains. Just can't stand them 6. the kiondo in my car was a present from my cucu 7. specific staff members may have done a lousy job 8. as for firing, heck i met their families so i have to think hard about firing them.
My goodness, I'm now an avowed "devil worshipper". the truth is...no devil worshiper reveals his or her true identity to those who are not initiated. I once asked an asian bussinessman about a queer looking ring he wore, and the guy was very truthfull....that it brings him wealth and good luck. And when I asked him to give it to me, he said that I need one specially made for me....and I have to meet the wazees first.... A K**K patient was furious at me that I asked about his bangle....told me to mind my bussiness.....and there was this delirious patient in renal failure....confessed that he had 2 majinis which always accompanied him to the renal unit. The work of the JINIs was to bring him wealth, in return they have to suck blood........sometimes from other patients....
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/15/2011 Posts: 4,518
murenj wrote:and there was this delirious patient in renal failure....confessed that he had 2 majinis which always accompanied him to the renal unit. The work of the JINIs was to bring him wealth, in return they have to suck blood........sometimes from other patients.... ish! tell him to send his blood sucking jinis to the blood bank instead and leave the patients alone!!! Zinywe bank zilewe damu. "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
Rank: User Joined: 1/24/2012 Posts: 1,675 Location: In Da Hood
murenj wrote:alma wrote:@murenj you have basically described me to the dot.
1. have cheap rings 2. i come to work at 5am 3. i lock myself in the office....im the boss 4. wall hangings in my office are my art collection 5. I don't really hate born agains. Just can't stand them 6. the kiondo in my car was a present from my cucu 7. specific staff members may have done a lousy job 8. as for firing, heck i met their families so i have to think hard about firing them.
My goodness, I'm now an avowed "devil worshipper". the truth is...no devil worshiper reveals his or her true identity to those who are not initiated. I once asked an asian bussinessman about a queer looking ring he wore, and the guy was very truthfull....that it brings him wealth and good luck. And when I asked him to give it to me, he said that I need one specially made for me....and I have to meet the wazees first.... A K**K patient was furious at me that I asked about his bangle....told me to mind my bussiness.....and there was this delirious patient in renal failure....confessed that he had 2 majinis which always accompanied him to the renal unit. The work of the JINIs was to bring him wealth, in return they have to suck blood........sometimes from other patients.... i totally agree . even just at the local level there are stuff mungiki fellows who have taken the oath cannot tell to the uninitiated . you have to be one of them . even the much talked about illuminati . you have to be initiated into their sect to know somethings and even that doesnot guarantee that you'll know everything as you have to move through he ranks ( degrees) so that some stuff is revealed to you .
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/22/2011 Posts: 1,325
alma wrote:So bwana Nabwire, what was the point of the post in the first place? There you go jumping into conclusions again, im female not bwana.
I got you out of your holier than thou attitude that you can't curse and your brethren came out cheering. You curse just as well as those musicians you claim are devil worshippers. Which holier than thou attitude? You love jumping into conclusions, there's somewhere where I stated im not religious, but your little mind is intent on proving Christians/ believers wrong coz of Pastors. You have hijacked this thread and made it about you and your war with Pastors. Kama hujui kuanzisha thread, I can go start one for you, Alma hats pastors, lemme know!
Cursing is cursing. Whether it is ugali or f... Its the same thing. You have confessed you are having a problem understanding the lifestyles of others. I think we call that being "envious" of others. Dont be fooled, I can curse you out in a NY minute. Just coz I can point out good vs evil, doesnt automatically make me an extremist Christian. Do I have to belabor this point for you again? Up your understanding skills!!
Stop looking at other people's lifestyles. Yours is good enough for us to see. Where did I look at other people's lifestyles? You are the one with beef with pastors, hizo pesa wanacollect zinakuwasha. Again I can start a thread for you, Alma vs pastors. Yes musicians use symbols, even catholics use symbols, even your grandmother uses symbols. So what is the point? Insert ignorance. I wont even dignify this with a response.
Is it that you don't like their music so much that you wish to call them demonic? If you don't like their symbols you call them demonic? I was actually a huge hip hop fan, I grew out of it, so its not like I dont like the music. And once again, I didnt put this up to stop you from listening to the music, dont know why you think you're that important that I would post some just to save your soul. Knowledge is power, na wenye masikio ama macho will make their own conclusions. Stop being so trivial, you love Jzee so by all means knock yourself out. May I recommend 99 problems?
I told you every black man was called a demon by white people at some point in the name of God and quoted in the Bible. You haven't answered that. Looks like a statement to me, what was I supposed to answer? Speaking of answers, why havent you answered Scout boy? He did afterall live in the States, still think its poetry?
So get out of your high horse and get to practising rather than calling people names. And who told you I'm an aetheist? By the way, I'm very hurt about that and crying right now. Another pathetic attempt at sarcasm!! Up your game!! And its atheist, not aetheist.
I have just pointed out your glaring insecurities. You got scared and started calling me names. Which names? Cook ugali? Thats not a name!!Answer the question. Who is better, Jzee or the pastor asking for mpesa to cure hiv? Neither. There goes that Jzee again wish I could go buy his cd's, coz the search came back with no results
And kyt...I want you to take the book of psalms and read it infront of your father, mother and children....I dare you, I double dare you. So Nabwire. Don't come here to preach your dogma. We have had enough of televangelists and their kindren spirits. Who are we? And whats my dogma? And am I now a televangelist? Im having a ball by the way, at your expense ofcourse!
If you are having a problem coping with americans, homosexuals, and Jzee, rudi nyumbani. Huko sio kwenyu. Lack of Comprehension skills again. Dont worry ma, I owe you one, I aced my exam courtesy of you, you were a perfect punching bag when I needed to get rid of some exam anxiety. So I owe you a cold glass of kumi kumi, ama you prefer room temperature, just lemme know 
And here for your viewing pleasure Alma, effects of mind control. Let the miscomprehension begin http://news.yahoo.com/bl...ughter-5-153138630.html
Rank: Member Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 851 Location: nairobi
Rank: User Joined: 1/24/2012 Posts: 1,675 Location: In Da Hood
wow . haven't read the bible but i have seen a documentary on aleister crowley ! the head of church of saturn . wow ! its spooky . having no reverence even that small conviction of God is just amazing !
Rank: User Joined: 1/24/2012 Posts: 1,675 Location: In Da Hood
Nabwire wrote:alma wrote:So bwana Nabwire, what was the point of the post in the first place? There you go jumping into conclusions again, im female not bwana.
I got you out of your holier than thou attitude that you can't curse and your brethren came out cheering. You curse just as well as those musicians you claim are devil worshippers. Which holier than thou attitude? You love jumping into conclusions, there's somewhere where I stated im not religious, but your little mind is intent on proving Christians/ believers wrong coz of Pastors. You have hijacked this thread and made it about you and your war with Pastors. Kama hujui kuanzisha thread, I can go start one for you, Alma hats pastors, lemme know!
Cursing is cursing. Whether it is ugali or f... Its the same thing. You have confessed you are having a problem understanding the lifestyles of others. I think we call that being "envious" of others. Dont be fooled, I can curse you out in a NY minute. Just coz I can point out good vs evil, doesnt automatically make me an extremist Christian. Do I have to belabor this point for you again? Up your understanding skills!!
Stop looking at other people's lifestyles. Yours is good enough for us to see. Where did I look at other people's lifestyles? You are the one with beef with pastors, hizo pesa wanacollect zinakuwasha. Again I can start a thread for you, Alma vs pastors. Yes musicians use symbols, even catholics use symbols, even your grandmother uses symbols. So what is the point? Insert ignorance. I wont even dignify this with a response.
Is it that you don't like their music so much that you wish to call them demonic? If you don't like their symbols you call them demonic? I was actually a huge hip hop fan, I grew out of it, so its not like I dont like the music. And once again, I didnt put this up to stop you from listening to the music, dont know why you think you're that important that I would post some just to save your soul. Knowledge is power, na wenye masikio ama macho will make their own conclusions. Stop being so trivial, you love Jzee so by all means knock yourself out. May I recommend 99 problems?
I told you every black man was called a demon by white people at some point in the name of God and quoted in the Bible. You haven't answered that. Looks like a statement to me, what was I supposed to answer? Speaking of answers, why havent you answered Scout boy? He did afterall live in the States, still think its poetry?
So get out of your high horse and get to practising rather than calling people names. And who told you I'm an aetheist? By the way, I'm very hurt about that and crying right now. Another pathetic attempt at sarcasm!! Up your game!! And its atheist, not aetheist.
I have just pointed out your glaring insecurities. You got scared and started calling me names. Which names? Cook ugali? Thats not a name!!Answer the question. Who is better, Jzee or the pastor asking for mpesa to cure hiv? Neither. There goes that Jzee again wish I could go buy his cd's, coz the search came back with no results
And kyt...I want you to take the book of psalms and read it infront of your father, mother and children....I dare you, I double dare you. So Nabwire. Don't come here to preach your dogma. We have had enough of televangelists and their kindren spirits. Who are we? And whats my dogma? And am I now a televangelist? Im having a ball by the way, at your expense ofcourse!
If you are having a problem coping with americans, homosexuals, and Jzee, rudi nyumbani. Huko sio kwenyu. Lack of Comprehension skills again. Dont worry ma, I owe you one, I aced my exam courtesy of you, you were a perfect punching bag when I needed to get rid of some exam anxiety. So I owe you a cold glass of kumi kumi, ama you prefer room temperature, just lemme know 
And here for your viewing pleasure Alma, effects of mind control. Let the miscomprehension begin http://news.yahoo.com/bl...ughter-5-153138630.html
you @ alma . you just need to go really remove this ignorance you have . when you close your eyes to all the devil is doing becasue of your ignorance am telling you one day it will harm you .
Rank: Member Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 851 Location: nairobi
essyk wrote:murenj wrote:and there was this delirious patient in renal failure....confessed that he had 2 majinis which always accompanied him to the renal unit. The work of the JINIs was to bring him wealth, in return they have to suck blood........sometimes from other patients.... ish! tell him to send his blood sucking jinis to the blood bank instead and leave the patients alone!!! Zinywe bank zilewe damu. he he he heee.........basics of satanism.....humans are no beter than animals.......and weaklings are not tollerated there...competition by all means is the key words....as long as your desires get fullfilled.....SINCE THERE IS NO CONCEPT OF RIGHT AND WRONG, WHY SHOULD ONE GO TO THE BLOOD BANK? Blood is just Blood
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/22/2011 Posts: 1,325
Snazzy wrote:4.Nabwire,please stop repeating you are in AMerica,America has taught you tolerance it sounds like you feel it makes your opinions more special than anyone else's. Americans (some) can be very ignorant of what happens in the rest of the world and their education system ranks way below some European countries. Anyone can learn to be tolerant whether you are from Andalusia or Tierra del Fuego or Muchatha. Should I teach an English comprehension class? America was in reference to Alma saying we cant understand Biggie coz we are not there. Now how this devolved into hate speech on US education I have no clue Hilarious, insecurities much?
Please watch that ad for Coca cola ,very inspiring,it has an image of someone holding a poster that reads something like this "when the rest of the world thinks its end time,Africa is looking towards the future" I cant watch it coz im in America remember? I couldnt help myself, but for real I havent watched it, youtube link? Essyk, we dont all know the symbols as you are trying to imply. I bet you wouldnt know the Masonic symbol if you were staring right at it. Or the meaning of the 33rd degree. But carry on
Rank: Member Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 851 Location: nairobi
QW25091985 wrote:wow . haven't read the bible but i have seen a documentary on aleister crowley ! the head of church of saturn . wow ! its spooky . having no reverence even that small conviction of God is just amazing ! just google and download....word of caution....after the download, you will notice that the atmosphere around you is full of petty querrels......
Rank: Member Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 851 Location: nairobi
Nabwire wrote:Snazzy wrote:4.Nabwire,please stop repeating you are in AMerica,America has taught you tolerance it sounds like you feel it makes your opinions more special than anyone else's. Americans (some) can be very ignorant of what happens in the rest of the world and their education system ranks way below some European countries. Anyone can learn to be tolerant whether you are from Andalusia or Tierra del Fuego or Muchatha. Should I teach an English comprehension class? America was in reference to Alma saying we cant understand Biggie coz we are not there. Now how this devolved into hate speech on US education I have no clue Hilarious, insecurities much?
Please watch that ad for Coca cola ,very inspiring,it has an image of someone holding a poster that reads something like this "when the rest of the world thinks its end time,Africa is looking towards the future" I cant watch it coz im in America remember? I couldnt help myself, but for real I havent watched it, youtube link? Essyk, we dont all know the symbols as you are trying to imply. I bet you wouldnt know the Masonic symbol if you were staring right at it. Or the meaning of the 33rd degree. But carry on
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/15/2011 Posts: 4,518
Quote:ARE YOU TWO SURE THAT YOU ARE NOT UNDER SOME DEMONIC INFLUENCE? Thread needs some deliverance!!! Quote:Essyk, we dont all know the symbols as you are trying to imply. I bet you wouldnt know the Masonic symbol if you were staring right at it. Or the meaning of the 33rd degree. But carry on
Seen a full video about them. This thread is now posessed.nataka kutoka nashindwa. "The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/5/2010 Posts: 2,061 Location: Nairobi
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/5/2010 Posts: 2,061 Location: Nairobi
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