Wow! JP Morgue silver manipulation team identities exposed. No wonder they hurriedly closed the commodities trading desk last year & silver raced to $50 from $17...
The banksters must be cursing Andrew Maguire (whistle blower) and the GATA director Bill Murphy. There are many articles & youtube videos covering this issues. But don't expect this info from the lame stream media.
If you plan to trade on the gold/silver futures market, you must know that the sharks & foxes are everywhere
But since Central Banks (mostly latin amero & asia) started buying gold in 2009, the manipulation goons have had tough luck & lost control last year
So we have US 'big' banks facing mortgage fraud charges. Other facing manipulation trading charges, others like goldman selling 'shitty deals' to their clientele & short selling against them and many more...
At least wearing money goggles & having seen how the foxes work permits one to see their gimmicks...
If you think this is a non issue for KE, wait until JPM & HSBC come on board as primary dealers (PDs) the so called market makers for cbk...
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!