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Kitengela the New Runda?
#121 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2022 8:07:27 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
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Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Jon Jones wrote:
All high-end areas such as Runda, Karen, Muthaiga, etc have one thing in common. LOW DENSITY!!

Only one residence allowed on half an acre.

That simple condition is enough to tell you that Kitengela is certainly not the next Runda.

That is the main consistent trait among ALL the high end areas that everyone else fails to replicate.

The next Runda will have a minimum land subdivision of 0.5 acres per residence and the rest e.g security, infrastructure, lighting etc will follow suit.

Kitengela fails terribly by being a high density area with extremely poor infrastructure.

In fact, it is now certain that Kitengela will never be the next Runda because people have already subdivided land into 1/8ths. So, it has already failed the litmus test.

If the estate doesn't have zoning laws preventing people from subdividing land into smaller lots than 0.5 acres, then that's certainly not the next Runda.

Sorry to burst your bubble and crash your dreams.

There is a silver lining though. Kitengela is a better investment destination compared to Runda and the likes. So, when you make your millions, you will shift to the trendy estate of that time.


a post worth responding to Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Wacha nikule breko and will then respond.
Breakfast is important!
#122 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2022 9:14:43 AM
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@JonJones. Asante for the post worth responding to. Let's look at it for a minute;

Jon Jones wrote:
All high-end areas such as Runda, Karen, Muthaiga, etc have one thing in common. LOW DENSITY!!

Only one residence allowed on half an acre.

Number one. As always, you fail to define terms and even when they are defined for you, you seem to have a problem understanding what they all mean. We have already shown you that Runda and Muthaiga, while both nice, house two different sets of people.

Muthaiga houses the aristocracy (Kenyattas, Chandarias, Wanjigis, Njonjos and so forth)

Runda is upper middle class, just like Riverside (rentals and ownership by Embassies, upper middle class Kenyans, corporate CEOs and so on). A defunct diplomat working for the UN and renting on 1/4 acre in Runda is hardly upper classLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly. But to you maybe he/she is.

Number two. You CANNOT go ahead INVENTING YOUR OWN DEFINITIONS of what is low densityLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

here is one definition;


Bungalows can be found in low/medium and high density areas: Low-density settlement range from 1-to-4 housing unit-per-acre, medium-density settlement will range from 8-to-16 units per acre and high-density settlement will be 24-to-32 units per acre. A density of 64 units or more per acre is a very high-density-development.

Since you CLEARLY HAVE NEVER BEEN TO KITENGELA, let me explain to you (for the umpteenth time) and in lay mans English, how Kitengela settlement patterns are. Think of Kitengela as being a mini version of Nairobi. It has its CBD (EPZ road to Enkare Nyama Choma joint.) All this is Kitengela core where you will find 98% of all the flats in Kitengela.The only exception to this is Milimani which is like the Westlands of Kitengela. High density apartments but catering to the middle class Kitengelans mostly. After Enkare there is a river and the famous "bridge" I have talked about a jillion times. It is easy to recognize, because that's where the trees in Kitengela start Drool Beyond the bridge, it is ALL LOW DENSITY save for first row -commercial plots- where all the biasharas (Tarikiville Mall, Pavilion XV, Former Tuskys Chap Chap, Petrol Stations, Fruits and Beyond and now QuickmartDrool plus so many more nest. The rest are ALL gated communities all the way to Acacia junction! And this is where the middle to upper middle classes of Kitengela all live.

To say that this area is high density is like someone who has never been to Nairobi saying Runda and Muthaiga are both high density areas because of the high rise flats in Pangani. Or that they are all high density slums because of nearby Mathare a stone's throw way Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly. This is how ridiculous you sound.

That simple condition is enough to tell you that Kitengela is certainly not the next Runda.

That is the main consistent trait among ALL the high end areas that everyone else fails to replicate.

I think you can see how ludicrous this soundsLaughing out loudly in light of my explanation above

The next Runda will have a minimum land subdivision of 0.5 acres per residence and the rest e.g security, infrastructure, lighting etc will follow suit.

According to who? Jon Jones who is not even in charge of Kajaiado's spatial planLaughing out loudly ? Kitengela beyond the bridge is sparsely populated, mblathee. You can even get 50 acres to build your personal palace peke yako in Kitengela. Can you do that in MuthaigaDrool ?

Kitengela fails terribly by being a high density area with extremely poor infrastructure.

In fact, it is now certain that Kitengela will never be the next Runda because people have already subdivided land into 1/8ths. So, it has already failed the litmus test.

How does a city that is less than 5% fully settled, let alone developed fail before being built? Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Again, the ridiculousness of your statements is jaw dropping.

If the estate doesn't have zoning laws preventing people from subdividing land into smaller lots than 0.5 acres, then that's certainly not the next Runda.

Your ignorance here is world-shattering
1. Who told you that Kitengela has no zoning laws?
2. What on earth do you think a controlled-development gated community is? Need I repeat that Kitengela has the highest number of gated communities per capita of all the suburbs of Nairobi Metropolitan?Drool
3. I have told you many times. It will be EVEN BETTER than Runda. Seeing is believing. I wish you could visit from whatever slum you are living in majuu and see for yourself what's happening in Kitengela. You wouldn't spew ignorance fuaaaaaaaaaaaaa with so much confidence Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Sorry to burst your bubble and crash your dreams.

There is a silver lining though. Kitengela is a better investment destination compared to Runda and the likes. So, when you make your millions, you will shift to the trendy estate of that time.

Asante for acknowledging this factDrool Na hiyo ni mahendeleo.
Jokes aside, let me tell you something buddy.
People thought I was joking when I said Kitengela is the next big thing in Nairobi Metro 10 years ago.
Some mocked
Some cried
Some wailed
Yet the stats and evidence on the ground keeps confirming everything I said.

in investments is no stupid money my mblathee.

For prespective. KRA collected about 1.7 Trillon in tax revenues in FY 2020/21. Meaning about 17% of A WHOLE NATION's tax revenues were invested in a tiny little corridor of a town called KitengelaDrool

That alone should make even the most stubborn anti-DC cretin think twice.


Kitengela's hinterland stretches as far as Konza City to the East, Isinya to the South and Kiserian to the Westsmile and almost none of that hinterland is currently developed yetDrool . And remember the majority of investors and home owners beyond the bridge are mostly former Nairobi core expats, diasporans and similar investors. Mambo bado!

#123 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2022 9:33:10 AM
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Joined: 1/8/2018
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Location: DC (Dustbowl County)

Goodlife Gym Kitengela. Middle to upper middle class problems create all sorts of business opportunities for Kenya's fastest growing town Drool
#124 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2022 11:41:11 AM
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Sunday Afternoon in Kitengela CBD; Kitengela has Crossed the Rubicon.

Kitengela is like a beautiful woman with a terrible temper. Always alluring, addictive and attractive despite the fact that she might rub you the wrong way once in a while. Leaving her is impossible. All she needs to do is smile and bat her eyelashes and you are hooked on her once more.

A bit of a backdrop first.

In 2009 while the super-smooth and beautiful Namanga road was being built, Kitengela was one huge mess. Let us just admit this. most youngsters and recent immigrants to Kitengela have no clue that Namanga road was in terrible shape before then, considering that Kitengela is the main artery to trade with Tanzania and the SADC beyond. Now, they take Kitengela's main artery for granted as if it has always been thereDrool . That road was the game changer for Kitengela as we know it. Isitoshe, the fact that Kenha has the foresight to build murram slip roads along both sides of Namanga rd as it was being built was a brilliant move that would have far-reaching implications for Kenay's fastest growing town. I had the foresight back then to see how much of a gamechanger that road would be for the town. Back then, all Kitengela CBD had was rural looking run down single storey buildings/kiosks that were unsightly at best. Plots and buildings could easily be had for a song. Especially if you ventured further away from the town's CBD.

But back to my Sunday story.

Decided to take a walk yesterday starting at Eastmatt all the way to the strangely named Chairman Road that comes before the Chicken Inn/Creamy Inn/Pizza Inn complex and the former Kobil (now Rubis) Stage on Namanga rd. It may seem funny to many, but many middle class and above Kitengela residents hardly know their own town's CBD let alone walk through it, since they are mostly in their cars and their suburban home zones have everything. For example the new Quickmart is now walking distance to many of the most prime Kitengela gated communities, which has made driving all the way to Naivas Kitengela Mall unnecessary going forward. Then we are all very busy. Running businesses, investing, commuting to Nai Core, attending Estate improvement meetings, sending the kids to school and so on. Therefore it had been at least six months since I was last in the area, while on foot. At the intersection of Chairman and Namanga roads, I stood looking into Chairman road and was completely blown away. Reminded me very much of the vibrant Chinese markets in Shenzhen. The road is so packed, cars have difficulty passing through. Umbrella-covered street vendor stalls selling everything from underwear, to solar radios, to mangoes, to huge jikos, to hardware, to Chinese sneakers to clothing and everything in between dot the whole street.

But what struck me the most was not the hubbub of activity, but the quality of the merchants and pedestrians on that street. I have been to numerous markets in Nairobi. Gikomba for example is a royal filthy mess. Even the clients going there look weatherbeaten - no offense to them. In Kitengela, even the working class looks middle class (perhaps due to the availability of high quality mtumba?) As I slowly walked down chairman road, I found a young chap of about 22-25 years old in age, with a wheelbarrow full of sugarcane stalks that he was selling at the usual 20 bob a stalk cut up and bagged.

Curious to know his story, as he prepared a bag of the delicious cane for me, I asked him when he arrived in Kitengela (almost nobody was born here so this is a standard question), what brought him here and how he is faring economically. To my surprise, he replied in very crisp middle class English. He said he arrived about three years ago, a friend introduced him to the town, and that he was told that opportunities here are limitless. "There is also very little to no crime. Have you ever heard of anyone being lynched or robbed here?" he deadpanned. And business? "Sio mbaya," he responded, as he unfurled a THICK WAD of notes to place the 100 I had given him before giving me my change.

Further down Chairman road, I stopped to just assess the masses of humanity walking around in the area. What struck me too was the number of young women - ages 18-25 who would not look out of place in the leafy suburbs of Nairobi core. Kitengela is a very young town both in age and in the age of its population. These young lasses were busy buying things left right and centre. Clearly even if what they are buying is mtumba and low cost imported Chinese goods and living in the bedsitters and one bedrooms within Kitengela CBD, they are not starving by any stretch of the imagination. Also, in every stall and street shop, you rarely find the owners being over 35. You also hear a huge variety of languages being spoken including the strange sounding Rwandese and all the languages that represent the face of Kenya. Kitengela is as cosmopolitan as it gets.

I then started to look beyond the built up third rows in my quest to see if any slums are developing within Kitengela CBD. I could find none! All I saw was plenty of beautiful and semi beautifulLaughing out loudly apartment complexes springing up like weeds all the way down to the Kitengela/Machakos border where the state of the art Athi River SGR station nests. This is very unique and strange, because it speaks to how vibrant the working class economy in Kitengela is. I am told boda boda riders are having a field day in Kitengela due to the long distances and surging population that needs to be transported within the city. Their saccos are some of the richest in the region with some even having started housing schemes in the outskirts of the city. Surely there has to be some sort of slum in Kitengela, I thought to myself. Let's just say I walked and walked and saw nothing of the sort. In fact I was shocked at how fast the areas behind the main road are growing and how many thriving ordinary shops and businesses are operating deep within the nether regions of the Kitengela town CBD.

Eventually I ended up back past Powerstar Supermarket (which was packed to the hilt) and back on Namanga rd by the Rubis/Chicken Inn. Very little walking space due to the teeming throngs of Kitengelans doing their Sunday shopping. I noticed too that there's a HUGE new local supermarket that's recently opened on the opposite side of the road. That's Kitengela for you. You stay away for a week and come back and find three new buildings recently completed and occupied.

As the orange glow of the sun started to spatter my Kitengela evening, I couldn't help but smile at how this town has boomed since 2009.

In 2009 you could barely find a decent, clean roadside kiosk to have coffee in. Now upscale cafes including Artcaffee and so on are a dime a dozen. If taking your wife out for a dinner date, you literally can take her out to a different upscale restaurant every single day for a month and still be left with numerous new options to explore.

Bottom line, if the working classes of Kitengela are doing very well and not starving, that alone tells you that something major and serious is happening in Kenya's fastest growing town.

The wise ones will see the wisdom of investing and/or building/living here.
The naysayers will only gnash teeth when we tell them "we told you so" ten years down the line when New Runda comes of ageDrool .


Jon Jones
#125 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2022 11:56:33 AM
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Joined: 9/11/2015
Posts: 244
Location: Thika
When you make your millions from Kitengela, your eyes will see the light like Saul. Then you will shift to a true low density area like Runda, Muthaiga, Karen etc like many before you have done.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Since men have learned to shoot without missing, I have learned to fly without perching
#126 Posted : Monday, February 07, 2022 1:11:17 PM
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Joined: 1/8/2018
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Jon Jones wrote:
When you make your millions from Kitengela, your eyes will see the light like Saul. Then you will shift to a true low density area like Runda, Muthaiga, Karen etc like many before you have done.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

1. We have already posted the storo hapa of how wealthy Rundans are leaving Runda for more space
2. Hata Karenites are moving to Tuala and Champaign Ridge where they can get hundreds of acres
3. Why would I jump out of the spacious, comfy, booming frying pan into the cramped, slum-surrounded fire?Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly. HAIWESEKANI MBLATHEE.

I love Kitengela. It's the best of both worlds- rural + urban. The only place where you can be in Artcaffe having your Machiatto at 7am and within 5 minutes, you are on your 50 acre shamba on the outskirts of Kitengela townDrool And remember this is before most have started building their palatial mansions on the land they already own that's booming in value dailyDrool

The funny thing is walking into Quickmart Kitengela is like walking into Quickmart Lavi. Same sort of middle class faces, dressing habits and tabias. Disappointing really, I was expecting something exotic like finding a shuka clad local buying a microwave.

Same deal in the homeownership/gated community associations. Nairobians tupu


Quickmart New Runda

Artcaffe New Runda

Kitengela hinterlands & Maasai Ostrich Farm.

#127 Posted : Tuesday, February 08, 2022 10:34:38 AM
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Radio Maisha Quickmart Kitengela launch
Dancing Dancing Dancing

#128 Posted : Friday, February 11, 2022 5:38:07 PM
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Quickmart Kitengela a huge hit. I am actually shocked at how much of a hit it has been. Jamming with throngs and THRONGS of shoppers and high end cars outside.
Yet the building that houses it is not even complete yet!

Was expecting a very slow first few weeks

People from as far as Isinya, Kisaju, Athi River and surrounding areas coming in droves to shop. Walifanya hesabu (research) vizuri and I am sure they concluded what I too concluded over a decade ago about New RundaDrool

#129 Posted : Monday, February 14, 2022 2:58:09 PM
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MugundaMan wrote:
Quickmart Kitengela a huge hit. I am actually shocked at how much of a hit it has been. Jamming with throngs and THRONGS of shoppers and high end cars outside.
Yet the building that houses it is not even complete yet!

Was expecting a very slow first few weeks

People from as far as Isinya, Kisaju, Athi River and surrounding areas coming in droves to shop. Walifanya hesabu (research) vizuri and I am sure they concluded what I too concluded over a decade ago about New RundaDrool

I was as excitable as you are when I was a 15 year old Monocotyledon in High School, somewhere near Dagoretti, Kikuyu.

Back then, I had 411 on the latest Nganya on the road, the newest Hypermarket to open in the neighbourhood, the latest celeb to crush on, lyrics to the latest R&B hit, the Girl's School with the hottest girls among others.

I envy you Mr. Peter Pan of the Wazua Republic. You remain forever young and optimistic as I grapple with the onset of mid-life crisis. I wish I could get a small dose of your teenage exuberance.

Anyway, I wish to send you 3k so that you can drop by Quickmart kitengela, buy yourself fresh samosas and a banana smoothie. Let me know how to get it to you.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#130 Posted : Monday, February 14, 2022 3:21:47 PM
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You mean Sparkles can actually write sentences longer than one line? Na hiyo ni mahedereo.
But pray tell, where will he get the 3k from?

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#131 Posted : Monday, February 14, 2022 3:28:43 PM
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I hate to say "we told you so" but...Drool
Jon Jones. Wakina Runda and Kili will soon become the paipu you mentioned Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly.
in fact Kili is a centimetre away from being new paipuLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Muthaiga too is no longer safeDrool
Flee to New Runda (the best of the satellites) before tis too late!



Why Nairobians Are Moving Away From Renting, Buying Apartments

By JOHN MBATI on 1 February 2022 - 10:52 am

The housing units located along Park Road in Ngara
The affordable housing units located along Park Road in Ngara, Nairobi County.FILE

The real estate sector is witnessing a paradigm shift in buyers' priorities and purchasing power, with more Nairobi city dwellers opting not to buy or rent apartments in the metropolitan suburbs, rather focusing on developing satellite areas.

HassConsult Head of Development Consulting and Research, Sakina Hassanali, underlines that the demand for detached units is one of the major reason that necessitates Nairobians to prefer buying land rather than renting and purchasing apartments.

Realtor HassConsult in the 2021 Q4 reports released on Monday, January 31, indicated that satellite town continued recording a rise in land prices, recording a 6.65 per cent growth compared to a drop of 1.1 per cent in 2020.

This is the fastest growth recorded in more than seven years notably for Ruaka, Kamakis, Ruiru, Juja, Athi River, Kiambu, Kitengela, Kiserian, Limuru, Mlolongo, Ongata Rongai, Ngong, Ruaka, Ruiru, Syokimau, Thika, and Tigoni.

Suburbs in the city, on the other end, rose by an average of 1.16 per cent from a drop of 2.56 per cent in 2020. These are Karen, Runda, Langata, Upperhill, Donholm, Kileleshwa, Gigiri, Kilimani, Kitisuru, Lavington, Loresho, Muthaiga, Nyari, Parklands, Ridgeways, Riverside, Spring Valley, and Westlands.

“In Nairobi’s satellite towns, house sale price gains have been more modest largely because most people settling in those areas prefer to build their own units. The house sale market was largely driven by higher demand for detached units, whose supply in the market has fallen in the past two decades.

“A few years ago, it was the exception for a residential building to have a lift but today it is the norm. The new developments are high-density units including studio apartments which is a shift from the ample apartments and detached houses that characterized the suburb a decade ago and it is not clear if the present infrastructure will adequately cater for all stock coming through,” Hassanali noted.

This observation clearly coincides with realtor Knight Frank’s report released in early 2021 detailing that homeowners were moving away from suburbs in search of more privacy, outdoor space and areas they can acquire at lower prices.

Suburbs like Kilimani and Kileleshwa have recorded a higher number of apartment developments forcing residents to move to court to file suits against real estate companies, arguing that they are abusing community policies.

In January 2022, the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) stopped a Chinese company from proceeding with the construction of 870 bedsitter units in Kilimani. NMS Director for Lands, Housing, and Urban Planning, Stephen Mwangi, stated that the project, a 15 storey building, had exceeded the required ground coverage listed for leafy suburbs.

HassConsult in its 2021 Q4 concurs that these litigations and controversies surrounding the suburbs force tenants and homeowners to prioritise buying land in satellite areas.

An apartment in Nairobi's Kilimani estateJIJI
“Suburb continues to cool as investors go slow on the area due to uncertainty on whether the present infrastructure will support the new wave of developments the area is now attracting, thus weakening its appeal,” Sakina Hassanali explains.

Why detached houses and not apartments?

Gladys Situma, Branch Manager at Fanaka Real Estate, details that most houses being constructed in Nairobi suburbs are smaller due to high demand.

These are single-rooms, bedsitters and one-bedroomed houses that are affordable to tenants. However, the low supply of detached houses has created a demand and crisis in real estate.

"As you have noticed, satellites towns are still rising and this can be witnessed through the HassConsult which has pinpointed Ruaka, Kamakis, and others such as Kitengela and Juja. Most landlords concentrate on building smaller houses because of high land rates in suburbs and towns.

In satellites areas, the land is affordable and people are moving towards settling there early for various reasons, from seeking their own space to enjoying infrastructure,” Situma told Kenyans.co.ke.

Hassanali, through the HassConsult 2021 Q4 report, adds that land in most suburbs remains prohibitively expensive while the availability of land to buy in upmarket suburbs is also limited, thus the high increase in demand for satellite areas.

Just as Situma also noted the need to enjoy infrastructure, Hassanali highlights that existing water and sewerage utilities in suburbs are being strained by high-rise developments which have seen prices in these areas suffer.

Arnania Ogutu, a Nairobi-based architect and real estate surveyor, further told Kenyans.co.ke that buying land and building one’s own house offers homeowners the security of tenure.

In the suburb areas with controversies marring construction and home owning, those who build their own houses in satellites have the freedom to either sell or rent the premises in the future.

“They can also modify and personalise their houses to their advantage,” Ogutu added.

Another issue prompting Nairobians to move to satellite towns is the mortgage effect. A mortgage is a loan from a financial institution or lender that can be used to buy a home. They are, however, offered with collateral and the individual only takes ownership of the home once payments are completed.

“Mortgages demoralise Kenyans who want to feel they own their projects. Nairobians want to avoid extra costs - they only want to purchase land and build their own houses through other different funding avenues.

“These mortgages come with high property prices, hiked initial transaction costs, high initial deposits, unclearly explained risk information and high-interest rates which discourage one from accessing the service loans,” Gladys Situma, Branch Manager at Fanaka Real Estate explained.

Land prices according to HassConsult’s 2021 Q4 report

The realtor noted that an acre of land in the mentioned satellites costs between Ksh26.9 million and Ksh89.1 million.

In satellites, an acre trades between Ksh191.1 million and Ksh509.7 million. Prices vary depending on the location, infrastructure and other factors.

#132 Posted : Tuesday, February 15, 2022 10:23:41 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/9/2006
Posts: 1,502
Runda is an estate among many other estates within the city. Kitengela is a town with numerous estates. Comparison between the 2 is impractical and ridiculous.
work to prosper
#133 Posted : Wednesday, February 16, 2022 8:25:57 AM
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Tokyo wrote:
Runda is an estate among many other estates within the city. Kitengela is a town with numerous estates. Comparison between the 2 is impractical and ridiculous.

Indeed, but most people do not know much about Kitengela so if you start telling them Chuna or Safcom 1 or 2 are the next Runda's they won't relate Drool. Thankfully slowly by slowly many are learning more about Kitengela and investing hapa to take advantage of the incredible returns and the beautiful estos coming up.
#134 Posted : Wednesday, February 16, 2022 6:06:16 PM
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Halcyon Kitengela

Jon Jones hebu tafta dust hapa Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#135 Posted : Wednesday, February 16, 2022 8:31:44 PM
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Joined: 7/28/2015
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Location: Rodi Kopany, Homa Bay
I was in kitengela over the weekend and was impressed by the new Quickmatt at OBC mall. Though they should work on the ventilation on upper floor. Kitengela has really grown. Went to check on my plot hapo milimani after about 3 months and was surprised to see 3 new 5 bedroom maisonettes surrounding my plot. About 50m away another developer is putting up 20 no. 4 bdrm maisonettes that are for sale. What I like about kitengela is that everyone is putting up maisonettes (both plot owners and developers) unlike in Nairobi where everyone is doing apartments
#136 Posted : Thursday, February 17, 2022 6:34:17 AM
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hardwood wrote:
I was in kitengela over the weekend and was impressed by the new Quickmatt at OBC mall. Though they should work on the ventilation on upper floor. Kitengela has really grown. Went to check on my plot hapo milimani after about 3 months and was surprised to see 3 new 5 bedroom maisonettes surrounding my plot. About 50m away another developer is putting up 20 no. 4 bdrm maisonettes that are for sale. What I like about kitengela is that everyone is putting up maisonettes (both plot owners and developers) unlike in Nairobi where everyone is doing apartments

Kabisa brother. Jon Jones who has never been to Kitengela doesn't seem to understand this. It's simple really. New Runda beyond the bridge is a low density, home owner's paradise. Most choose to buy a plot and build. Overwhelming majority build over time bila loans which means very high equity in brand new mostly gated communities that are shaping up quite well. What I love the most is that QUALITY MANSIONS and buildings are coming up everywhere. Compare with mlolosh which is a veritable disaster or Jon Jones' Thika which is LOSING POPULATION yearly despite being established in colonial timesLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#137 Posted : Friday, February 18, 2022 8:17:53 AM
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The world famous ENKARE KITENGELA right "on the bridge." Best nyama choma in Nairobi Metropolitan, no contestDrool Reason? Those Kajiado free range organic goats that do not consume roadside sewage kama hizo za Kamakis and elsewhere! You have not lived until you've tasted Kite's choma!!!

Can Sparkles with his MZINGA LA TUMBO (MOMO/spare tyre) dance like this? Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#138 Posted : Saturday, February 19, 2022 4:05:21 PM
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Joined: 7/28/2015
Posts: 9,562
Location: Rodi Kopany, Homa Bay
Kitengela looks nice. It has really developed.

#139 Posted : Sunday, February 27, 2022 8:24:48 AM
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JonJones, ukiona Pam Golding moving in with their high end brand to start selling Kite properties, ogopa sana Laughing out loudly
#140 Posted : Tuesday, March 01, 2022 7:16:43 AM
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The biggest Achilles' heel of some of you ferras like JJ is that you never listen to me Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Ujuaji yenu is hurting you big time Laughing out loudly

Kitengela suburbs are SPACE CENTRAL. The kind of space that makes Karen and Tigoni look like tiny crowded 'hoods.
SPACE IS KING and the city with the number one amount of this precious commodity is none other than Kitengela Drool
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