It is very important that we are sharing. Most of us get very valuable information from fellow Wazuans.
But to the uninitiated, be very careful as you read what everyone of us (me included) has to say!
Once in a while, information in wazua will make you miss the mother of all buses or throw you
under one hell of a bus.
I cite two examples:
1) SafaricomMost Wazuans had written off this green monster. Even when it was trading at Kshs. 2.xy, 90% were preparing for it's funeral! Very few were buying or even suggesting one should buy! Actually the story was that the days of Safaricom have come to an end! We all know where Safaricom is at! A majority of Wazuans and those who listened to them missed the bus. That is why Safaricom can make record profits and 6 hours after the thread stating this is started, the thread still has below 10 posts!!!
2) Obiero Airways (Sorry, Kenya Airways)Two or three people noticed where KQ was headed even when it was trading at Kshs. 50/=. They stated the facts and advised wazuans to alight!! I tell you they were in problems!! 95% of wazuans were of a contrary opinion. The two, three guys didn't relent. They continued singing the song all the way to 20's level. Most never listened. "Recovery is coming soon..." We all know at what level KQ is trading at today.
Moral of the Story: Chunga sana!! Even when an opinion is extremely popular in Wazua!
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.