Dear Wazuans
Leona has said it all.
It was great pleasure meeting all who attended. Thank you for heeding to our call. You attendance was very satisfactory and encouraging.
It was a great fun day .We had a rare chance of playing exciting games as we laughed and bonded.Not forgetting the Mbuzi mukimo chicken all the plenty mouthwatering food.
A new member, both in Wazua and Sk charity won the 2 night ticket to travellers beach in a clean deal accepted by those present.How lucky she was!!! Lots of Wazua branded prizes were won.
In terms of fun, we were all winners.
The Mc, Pablo was great. Not forgetting the all powerful ‘Simon’ game whereby anyone who contradicted whatever he said would be ‘punished’ by missing a chance to win a prize. Was he the makmede
I would like to thank Wazua for supporting this charity initiative both in cash and kind through providing a forum for communicating with members and recruiting new members. You are really contributing positively to the society.
'Go places'-thank you for the support
To the Mbuzi donors, you are wondeful thank you.
Leona ,thank you also for the perfect organization and selfless sacrifice to see the event suceed.
Wazuans you are great people.
God bless you all.