Sensational media.
In July 2017 total local power generated was 867.02 Million Kwh and imported from Uganda was 23.04 Millon Kwh which is just ~ 2.66 % (
KNBS). And the power imports are mostly to Western border counties where reach of Kenya's Grid is not adequate.
Cde Monomotapa wrote:
Concerns are hydrology & effects of decommissioning of Kipevu III. The PIC propeller trade was good, AKS hype-man - 60B in mkt. cap.
Kipevu III was commissioned in 2011 and with PPA running for 20 or 25 Yrs capacity charge will still be paid even if decommissioned.
Yes, Hyrdorology in 2017 was bad but some Hydro's now receiving capacity charges that previously they weren't eligible and Hydro is just $ 0.023/Kwh so the bump will be cancelled by increased geothermal generation.
Biggest worry for me is the creative accounting last financial year of geothermal consultancy revenues running into Billions.