Club SK
World's oldest stone tools found near Lake Turkana
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/3/2008 Posts: 4,057 Location: Gwitu
Kumbe kulikuwa na PEV 8000 BC?! Truth forever on the scaffold Wrong forever on the throne (James Russell Rowell)
Rank: Veteran Joined: 9/11/2015 Posts: 1,024
 Just a question that has not yet been answered except by conjecture and cavil.
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/26/2012 Posts: 15,980
kaka2za wrote:Kumbe kulikuwa na PEV 8000 BC?! Cattle rustling "There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore .
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
murchr wrote:kaka2za wrote:Kumbe kulikuwa na PEV 8000 BC?! Cattle rustling Earliest found! I am sure people were killing each others in hordes way before that! All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
Anti_Burglar wrote: Just a question that has not yet been answered except by conjecture and cavil. I think the question has always been answered but the statement/claim that science says 'Human beings came from Apes' has hidden the very point of what the science community has claimed. the correct statement is 'human beings and chimps share a common ancestor' as opposed to the claim 'humans came from chimps'. In much the same way you came from your grand father and not from your cousin! Tests have shown that the amount of similarity between human beings is average 0.1% and between humans and Chimps is 1.2% - that is testable! on a different note... humans are known to be quite brutal and self righteous and in much the same way the white men killed off many native populations and subdued them... i suspect the fate of our not so nibble minded relatives was the same!!! All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/26/2012 Posts: 15,980
masukuma wrote:murchr wrote:kaka2za wrote:Kumbe kulikuwa na PEV 8000 BC?! Cattle rustling Earliest found! I am sure people were killing each others in hordes way before that! Of course, but this is the oldest. What's interesting though is the position these bones were found. Crossed hands meaning some of them were tied on their hands before being beaten and thrown in the lake/lagoon. There was another bunch as old as this found in SSudan but those were burried "There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore .
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/27/2012 Posts: 2,256 Location: Bandalungwa
Anti_Burglar wrote: Just a question that has not yet been answered except by conjecture and cavil. Very easy to answer. The reason transitional fossils are difficult to find is because fossilization is a very rare process. 99.99% of the time when an animal dies, its remains are scattered or eaten by scavengers. So finding a well preserved fossil is very rare. By the way that image seems to imply that millions of initial human ape ancestors have been found. This is Not true. Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. But Humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor from 6 million years ago. So that picture you posted is wrong and misleading. The fossils of potential human ancestors from 6 million years ago are very rare. They include Sahelanthropus, Orrorin Tugenensis and Ardipethecus. Its also worth noting that even fewer chimpanzee fossils have been found. As far as I know, there is only one chimpanzee fossil older than 500,000 years old that has ever been found. This is because fossilization while rare in the open savannah, is even rarer in forest environments
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/27/2012 Posts: 2,256 Location: Bandalungwa
Lake Turkana region never ceases to surprise. The number of ancient artifacts, fossils that have been found in that region is mind boggling. It must have been a very fertile and well watered area for people to fighting each other to the death over resources as recently as 10,000 years ago
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/3/2008 Posts: 4,057 Location: Gwitu
Alba wrote:Lake Turkana region never ceases to surprise. The number of ancient artifacts, fossils that have been found in that region is mind boggling. It must have been a very fertile and well watered area for people to fighting each other to the death over resources as recently as 10,000 years ago The assumption they were fighting over resources is debatable. Humans kill for plethora of reasons and not necessarily resources. Truth forever on the scaffold Wrong forever on the throne (James Russell Rowell)
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2008 Posts: 6,275 Location: Kenya
Alba wrote:Anti_Burglar wrote: Just a question that has not yet been answered except by conjecture and cavil. Very easy to answer. The reason transitional fossils are difficult to find is because fossilization is a very rare process. 99.99% of the time when an animal dies, its remains are scattered or eaten by scavengers. So finding a well preserved fossil is very rare. By the way that image seems to imply that millions of initial human ape ancestors have been found. This is Not true. Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. But Humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor from 6 million years ago. So that picture you posted is wrong and misleading. The fossils of potential human ancestors from 6 million years ago are very rare. They include Sahelanthropus, Orrorin Tugenensis and Ardipethecus. Its also worth noting that even fewer chimpanzee fossils have been found. As far as I know, there is only one chimpanzee fossil older than 500,000 years old that has ever been found. This is because fossilization while rare in the open savannah, is even rarer in forest environments Good try @Alba. The question is; it's said evolution is gradual process, so where is the previous state before ours. Ama when you evolve into the next stage, all the previous die?
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
AlphDoti wrote: Good try @Alba. The question is; it's said evolution is gradual process, so where is the previous state before ours. Ama when you evolve into the next stage, all the previous die?
not really... in the same way your relatives did not die because you showed up! it's really a matter of both time and tenecity. for example there was an event some 70k years the so-called Toba catastrophe! that cause climate change in Africa that caused lots of damage and almost finished our ancestors... A similar (but much smaller episode happened in 1815 and caused the year without the summer (1816)) cause havoc in recent history! If you think about it... these divisions were not deliberate but happened over a great period of time! if they approximate a species showed up between 100-200k years ago that 100k years that is being loosely approximated is a time period you cannot comprehend. it's 10 times all of human written history. it's 50 times time period from Christ's birth to now... a whooping 50 times! it's 2000 times the independence of Kenya! so what happens when they approximate (via carbon and other radioactive dating methods and of course DNA) a period of 3.2 million years for Lucy (the ethiopian)? that is the indepence of Kenya 64,000 times back to back! if Guka is a modest 50 years old....and if he could only sire at age 50... that means that 64,000 gukas lived and died before now... think of all those permutations. what happened to his relatives? since each guka was not born at the same time? if the recent mzungu white skin is approximated to be less than 8k years old... and their blue eyes some 10k years ago and combination of these blue eyes and white skins have populated and occupied the north of this planet kabisa!! Back to my point... if 64,000 back to back produced as one of the leaves of this genealogical tree...the one Guka we have... what about this brothers? the brothers and sisters of his father and mother?... project backwards (with genetic lines crossing over and over)...a whooping 64k times - do you expect to find a grumpy Guka? you end up with a different creature!! The problem is that modern humans achieved so much over a relatively short period of time and cannot conceive a period before this relatively short period of time. But the scientific method is great... it accepts evidence from everyone. if you can prove creation is right and evolution is wrong... get evidence, write a paper, get it peer reviewed and then go pick your nobel prize! All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/27/2012 Posts: 2,256 Location: Bandalungwa
AlphDoti wrote: Good try @Alba. The question is; it's said evolution is gradual process, so where is the previous state before ours. Ama when you evolve into the next stage, all the previous die?
The previous species Homo Hedelbergensis also known as Homo Rhodiensis did not dissappear. It evolved into Homo Sapiens which is us. It evolved through natural selection. Human beings evolved just as languages evolve. The original Bantu Language (proto-Bantu) did not disappear. It simply evolved into hundreds of other Bantu Languages.
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/27/2012 Posts: 2,256 Location: Bandalungwa
kaka2za wrote:Alba wrote:Lake Turkana region never ceases to surprise. The number of ancient artifacts, fossils that have been found in that region is mind boggling. It must have been a very fertile and well watered area for people to fighting each other to the death over resources as recently as 10,000 years ago The assumption they were fighting over resources is debatable. Humans kill for plethora of reasons and not necessarily resources. Thats true. Its a calculated guess. Most conflicts among our ancestors were due to resources. This one may have happened as that area started to become dryer resulting in resources becoming scarce.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/3/2008 Posts: 4,057 Location: Gwitu
Alba wrote:kaka2za wrote:Alba wrote:Lake Turkana region never ceases to surprise. The number of ancient artifacts, fossils that have been found in that region is mind boggling. It must have been a very fertile and well watered area for people to fighting each other to the death over resources as recently as 10,000 years ago The assumption they were fighting over resources is debatable. Humans kill for plethora of reasons and not necessarily resources. Thats true. Its a calculated guess. Most conflicts among our ancestors were due to resources. This one may have happened as that area started to become dryer resulting in resources becoming scarce. I doubt the area was dry 200 years ago leave alone 10,000 years. Kenya's population in 1900 was estimated to be around 1.7M. The population in Turkana must have been a few thousands and resources were abundant. According to the bible,Cain , first person born in this world murdered his brother yet they were the only family in the world. Was it about resources? No! It was out of envy, jealousy, hurt ego.... Truth forever on the scaffold Wrong forever on the throne (James Russell Rowell)
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/27/2012 Posts: 2,256 Location: Bandalungwa
kaka2za wrote: I doubt the area was dry 200 years ago leave alone 10,000 years. Kenya's population in 1900 was estimated to be around 1.7M. The population in Turkana must have been a few thousands and resources were abundant. According to the bible,Cain , first person born in this world murdered his brother yet they were the only family in the world. Was it about resources? No! It was out of envy, jealousy, hurt ego....
This is a scientific discussion my friend. You've disqualified yourself by bringing religious views into the discussion. You cannot be taken seriously if people are discussing a scientific topic and you bring up the story of Abel and Cain. Secondly Lake Turkana is located in a semi-desert/desert area (Chalbi). Scientists can easily determine when deserts are formed. I would suggest you read scientific journals rather than the story of Abel and Cain. Here is a brief history of Lake Turkana region According to this article, there was a climatic change that happened approx 6500 years ago that transformed the region from lush fertile region to desert This article confirms the same The general consensus is that the area became desert about 6500 years ago. So your notion that it was not dry 200 years ago is bogus. Also common sense suggest that if the region was not dry in 1900 as you claim, then it would have been settled more densely. If resources were abundant in 1900 then why has that region always been very sparsely populated?
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/27/2012 Posts: 2,256 Location: Bandalungwa
@Kka2a On conflict, even the Daily Nation says that land and resources has always been the main cause of conflict in Kenya. That is According to this articleIf this is the case in Kenya today then I see no reason why the same was not true thousands of years ago. I find it laughable that groups would go to war because of ego or envy or hurt as you claim. Do you actually know of any war that has ever happened due to ego? Most wars in recent histiry has happened due to land or other resource - Hitler started world war 2 when he invaded poland - The first gulf war started when Saddam grabbed Kuwait - George Bush invaded Iraq likely due to oil - Putin is fighting Ukraine in order to grab Crimea and western Ukraine. - The American civil war was fought over land and slaves (which is a resource) - Greed for oil (which is a resource) is driving ISIS - In Kenya, the first shifta war against Somalia was fought because Somalis were claiming North Eastern province. - The war between Tanzania and Uganda started when Iddi Amin tried to gran the Kagera region. I could go on and on. The only exception appears to be when fighting terrorist insurgents. As for you, the only example you could come up with is the story of Abel and Cain
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/3/2008 Posts: 4,057 Location: Gwitu
Alba wrote:@Kka2a On conflict, even the Daily Nation says that land and resources has always been the main cause of conflict in Kenya. That is According to this articleIf this is the case in Kenya today then I see no reason why the same was not true thousands of years ago. I find it laughable that groups would go to war because of ego or envy or hurt as you claim. Do you actually know of any war that has ever happened due to ego? Most wars in recent histiry has happened due to land or other resource - Hitler started world war 2 when he invaded poland - The first gulf war started when Saddam grabbed Kuwait - George Bush invaded Iraq likely due to oil - Putin is fighting Ukraine in order to grab Crimea and western Ukraine. - The American civil war was fought over land and slaves (which is a resource) - Greed for oil (which is a resource) is driving ISIS - In Kenya, the first shifta war against Somalia was fought because Somalis were claiming North Eastern province. - The war between Tanzania and Uganda started when Iddi Amin tried to gran the Kagera region. I could go on and on. The only exception appears to be when fighting terrorist insurgents. As for you, the only example you could come up with is the story of Abel and Cain @Alba What you have stated is correct and the late Prof Wangari used to emphasize that most conflicts were over resources. My point was that resources might not have been the issue 10000 years ago. All the examples you have given are fairly recent. Truth forever on the scaffold Wrong forever on the throne (James Russell Rowell)
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
I am highly suspicious that it was not a war over land since land only became useful to people after the agrarian revolution. If you doubt me , look at land ownership notions of the Australian aborigines, the canadian Innuit (Eskimo) , the koisan and the mountain Bushman. The issue the Boers faced after meeting the Bushman was in animals... the very concept of a person owning a live animal... so the mountain Bush man of the Orange freestate could not comprehend that notion of ownership...hunters gatherers believed you owned what you killed and could carry and since you cannot kill and carry 100 cows...why would you call them "yours"?... plus they are still alive!! Of course the Boer fire power cleared them and what is left of them is in the genes and language of the basotho people. Back to my point, prior to going agrarian or pastoral the concept of ownership was "what you could carry". The rest is recent history. All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
kaka2za wrote: I doubt the area was dry 200 years ago leave alone 10,000 years. Kenya's population in 1900 was estimated to be around 1.7M. The population in Turkana must have been a few thousands and resources were abundant. According to the bible,Cain , first person born in this world murdered his brother yet they were the only family in the world. Was it about resources? No! It was out of envy, jealousy, hurt ego....
I once read about the topic of "how to trap a monkey". the trap is relatively simple! the same question was posed by Shaka Zulu... the discourse goes something like this Quote: Shaka: Tell me Febonah. How do you trap a monkey?
Febonah: Well, a gourd is used, with a narrow neck. The bait is dropped into the gourd, a piece of fruit or something shiny. The monkey puts his hand, down into the neck of the gourd and then he grabs the bait and he's trapped, because he can't get his fist out.
Shaka: Once he realizes he's trapped, why doesn't the monkey let go of the bait?
Febonah: Because his greed makes him blind.
I tend to disagree a bit at the end with the distillation of the monkey's behavior to be one driven by greed but rather one driven by familiarity. The monkey is trapped not by anything physical but by an idea, unable to see that a principle that served him well – “ when you see food, hold on tight!” – has become lethal at this point in time. There is a saying that " the difficulty, lies not in (accepting) the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones". To save his life all the monkey has to do is release the food/shiny thing it has tightly held - but it can't!! The effect is called the ' Einstellung effect', When doctors make errors in their practice, it has been demonstrated that's it’s likely to be because they jump to conclusions based on past patients, not because they lack medical knowledge ... I tend to think that sometime belief is the notion... the idea... to search through the scriptures to get answers to life and questions - that has served us well in our life so far becomes the trap when we are faced with scientific questions!! I remember a friend who first experienced an earth quake in 2007-2008 (remember the Ol Doinyo Lengai episodes?), searching through scripture for answers on the cause and meanings of earth quakes. I am sure the Kavonokya sect's hand has been caught in the gourd! If aliens suddenly land here... what will your reaction be?? On a different note: Who said the current inhabitants of the Turkana basin were there 200 years ago? 1000 years ago? 5000 years ago? 10000 years ago? people did not start migrating recently - people have been going round since they stepped on the planet! We know the current inhabitants (the sub group of the eastern nilotes known as the Turkana) migrated southwards from South Sudan... and that is recently! All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Club SK
World's oldest stone tools found near Lake Turkana
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