So last week the pin off for the bounce that started on Sept 6th was broken last Friday negating the 3357 support as solid floor for September. The KES also took a proper knock against hard currencies with the CBK being forced to cut off banks from fx trading platforms. It is getting very murky in this KE investment space. Inflation closed the month at 17.3% which back in April at 9%, CBK stated that it was just a blip... Kenya’s total public debt grew 3.7% to Sh1.6 tn ($15.6 bn) as of Aug. from July. That equates to 57.4% GDP -!/search/realtime/%23MinistryofFinance
With all these economical headwinds, I'll keep the KE stash hidden in T-bills esp 91 day until things settle down. It will also become tricky trying to piece in a nasty euroland default with the current finance regulation disorder in KE.
Last week NBK had a 10% bounce from 21/- closing @23.25. Excessively oversold, but I see no floor yet.
Unga reports outsize profits and is hammered 10% after the news. The 137%+ foreign exchange losses spooked some guys.
Sasini back to 12 - still retracing the 'real estate' excitement rally. So far it looks like 14 will be resistance for a while.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!