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Prado Vs Landcruiser
#61 Posted : Friday, May 15, 2009 6:50:00 AM
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One of the BEST threads ever!!
#62 Posted : Friday, May 15, 2009 7:45:00 AM
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I always thought by the time you get to buy a car the size of a VX or Range rover,issues of fuel consumption and cost of servicing must be way behind you since that is what kept one driving the 110 or platz earlier.
When i see someone driving a VX i tell myself that his/her minimum net monthly income must be way over 1m per month to live with it without worries.....maybe am just shady then!
#63 Posted : Friday, May 15, 2009 9:26:00 AM
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Just in case you are thinking of true off road (A 4x4 with rigid front axle),That version of Prado was discontinued in 1996. The VX is not either but there is a GX version that looks like VX from the outside,we all call it VX anyway. Go for that.

#64 Posted : Friday, May 15, 2009 9:56:00 AM
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Anyone driving a Toureg ? It tempts me ...........

Whats the comparison with a VX ? Id hate to miss the power,speed and comfort im currently enjoying !

The Hedonist
#65 Posted : Friday, May 15, 2009 10:17:00 AM
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Obviously you know little about landcruisers.

the inherent diff between a GX and a VX is the turbo! GX has no turbo,hence is strong but slow and ponderous,and VX has a turbo,hence is strong and agile and nimble.

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Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
#66 Posted : Friday, May 15, 2009 12:10:00 PM
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Lyanne - I have driven a Touareg... but not in Kenya.

A few basics. Touareg is related to Porsche Cayanne & Q7

Usually six speed auto transmission. I've played around with a 3.0TDi and the thing is fast and quiet.

The other one is 3.2 V6 and the engine is similar to a Golf R32 - if you have sampled an R32 then you know what it cabable of in terms of speed/take off!

I still feel the Touareg 3.0 Tdi is just as fast (if not faster). VW have perfected the art of building Tdi engines. Ask anyone with a Golf/Audi Tdi (esp. sporty Audi A5 3.0Tdi)

Touareg Was designed/developed jointlyby VW & Porsche. Aim was to tengeneza 4X4 that operates like a sports car.

I have driven a VX. Touareg is nippy as compared.... so you will not be losing much with a Touareg. .... but I must say that the VX is also glorious.

Touareg from '03 models (good mileage) set you back approx . Eur15k - 17k CIF.

#67 Posted : Friday, May 15, 2009 5:48:00 PM
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If you are city driving/ tarmac driving - Range Rover will do you good.

If you are doing off road/ into the bush - the VX anytime. You dont want to take a Range rover to the bush,and worry abt that bush scratching the paint off..

Come to think of it,a dirty VX,straight from an expedition looks ok and appealing,like its home and comfortable. Cant say the same about a Range in a rainy day in town.

#68 Posted : Monday, May 18, 2009 6:02:00 AM
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@ Mwatha,thanks. I like the VX but its really a masculine car for a chic like me,thats why im looking for a Toureg later in the year or next year.

I spent some time on saturday scouring car yards and what shocked me was that the Toureg goes for the same amount as a VX !

The Hedonist
#69 Posted : Monday, May 18, 2009 7:04:00 AM
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While VX is imposing in size,T/reg is of refined quality. If you drove T/reg you will never go back to VX. For me as long am not a frequent off road driver,T/Reg is my choice. I have had a chance to drive T/Reg,VX,both armoured and soft skin and I must say its superior not forgeting superior passive and active safety features. I am shocked when users compare safety features of VX and RR nor T/reg. VX has never undergone any crash tests unless they never published them. If anything,its the same model and its sister poor quality Prado that has killed many kenyan on our very roads. if you value safety and can afford a safe car refer to euroncap.com.
"You've never lived until you've almost died; for those who have fought for it, life has a flavour the protected will never know."
#70 Posted : Monday, May 18, 2009 10:07:00 PM
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@Lyanne pliz mail me and i can give u some advice/tips with regards to the VW


am exporting from the UK

good nite

Frank Kuch
#71 Posted : Tuesday, May 19, 2009 6:02:00 AM
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You are right GX has not turbo.
But not all landcruisers(VX and GX) are Diesel some are 4.7 petrol with no turbo.
The front axle is the only difference between a Petro VX and GX

Sorry they have sneaked a turbo in the 2008 Toyota Landcruiser 4.5L TDI GX A/T

Sometimes you have to climb under. Haven't you seen a GX blanded Lexus

#72 Posted : Tuesday, May 19, 2009 6:04:00 PM
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@Lyanne - '....on saturday scouring car yards....' . What prices are Touaregs selling for?

#73 Posted : Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:27:00 AM
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Posts: 181
@ Mwatha,the version im really interested in is a V 6 TDi. The beauty is going for Ksh 3.6M - 3.8M. I would want to trade in with my current car,dont know whether its possible.

The Hedonist
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