Chaka wrote:LOL...I like it when some jamaas get humbled..Leo atakamata humble pie for supper..
Spikes wrote:
There we go! 40/- prints. I was very accurate when I predicted this reality. Those who heed my calls always walk all the way to the bank smiling. @ Obiero you lost this one now it is prudent you take back your 'clown' title you branded me. It's high time you pronounce yourself 21st century clown .Period!
It's amazing how the market reacts against egotistical individuals and proves them wrong.@ Obiero your ego is on fire .It's blazing!
@wazua members will remind you that @obiero sold his KCB stake at KES 60 three years ago and used part of the proceeds on his third real estate project. It is unlikely that the current price of KES 40 is affecting his sleep pattern
COOP 70,000 ABP 15.20; KQ 414,100 ABP 7.92; MTN 23,800 ABP 6.45