Ticking inflation with an econ slump is a funky mix that will mess up equities soon.
- GDP Q1 2014 4.1% vs 5.2% in Q1 2013
- Inflation above 7%
- USDKES floating up and stubbornly stuck above 85/-
- Manufacturing will also slow down as the econ is in a slump
- Retailers already posting reduced sales revenue (uchumi etc)
- Agri is already facing headwinds
- Tourism - no comment -
- Banks continue confounding everyone with profits yet NPLs are also bulging...
Now let's look at KE econ like a local kiosk.
- So where will KES get the strength to be mascular vs USD et al?
- How will GDP scale above 5% for 2014 with major econ sectors already on the back foot?
- How will equities maintain lofty values and saucy dividends with declining/flat profits due the ongoing econ slump?
- How will banks continue posting fatty profits in this macro environment?
Know that's just a simple way of looking at the econ and trying to see how the market weather is likely to play out.
**Pick your cherries carefully**
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!