Been there,done that...got the t-shirt..! The bungee feeling is unexplainable to say the least. And The Sagana 9 were the most wonderful guyz i've met this year... and i had a blast!!
If you missed this... you missed out bigtym!! We had maximum fun!
@Njung'e,Wendz,Wanyuru,Ectasy,Bill,Willingtolearn,Albert,Christine........Mlefu & Cheering squad +Njung'lets....Thanx for making my unexplainable experience seem so real.....Lets chat on Monday....Maybe i'll have words to explain myself then........Wow!
@Bill....your 'Sushi' moment was just the days' classic..heheeehehee!!
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't..
Nevermind what haters say, ignore them til they fade away - Just live your life