Now I support surealligator in this one.
I just recieved a rough copy of the ruling and i have to say, these guys are nuts.
They have stated that the Kadhis court is illegal. There are two ways to look at this.
if the court is illegal as they claim, then why even have it only working in the 10 mile strip? second, you cannot have the constitution as being illegal. It is the supreme law, so what is the precedent.
the worst is what guys are celebrating. By saying that "it favours one religion over another", it is opening up a whole can of worms.
Soon men will say the bill of rights favours women over men, and the youth over men or the healthy over the diabled. that is the precedent that these dunder heads have opened up.
I am still waiting on the case law they used as precedent. but if they are basing these on their own views, we may as well forget about a new constitution since everyone will use this ruling as precedent for everything.
by the way, now that they have ruled that the 10 mile strip issue is illegal, doesn't this now allow the hardliners in the coast who want their own region to actually leave?
this is more dangerous for the No campaigners because it is a ruling full of holes. if we revert to the present constitution, this ruling will not last 10 minutes under Gicheru and you will have that Kadhis court you so fear deeper in legal precedent because of the foolish ruling these fellows just made.
Hata wakizima taa