@Pablo? Eish!!, thats like "borrowing" a few seeds, planting your maize, beans, potatoes, wheat, napia grass, carrots dhania, then harvesting the crops later and returning the seed you borrowed, then take some of the harvest to exchange for cows and goats in ukambani, fatten the cows and goats, milk them and make your own cheese and yourghat and tea. Then siaga the maize and brew busaa, then cook some githeri and chapos and chipos, then go to kiamaiko and teach yourself how to slaughter and inspect a goat, then invite SKerians for a Mbuzi, and when someone takes githeri you tell them "all those ingredients are from my farm!", when we drink the busaa you go again "all the ingredients are from my farm!" when we eat the mbuzi "all the.......
A New Kenya